Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Wake Up This Is Your Alarm!

Thanks to Andrew Johnson for bringing this to our attention.
A great little tune by UK musician Charlie Pound about 9/11, entitled:
"Wake Up This Is Your Alarm!"
Reminds me a little of REM!

Hope you'll give it a listen.
The Truth Seeker's Guide.



  1. Namaste brother, I had trouble posting on your site yesterday the prove you're not a robot never worked. Thanks for the great video post. Have a fantastic day.

    In Lak'ech, prosper in love live with a smile....

  2. Cheers Chris.
    I have had noticed a few technical glitches logging in, etc., lately. I shall endeavour to get to the bottom of it.
    Thanks for persevering though!
    All the best my friend.
    Carl (The 'Guide)
