Saturday, 30 May 2015

Richard D. Hall - Cumbria Shootings 5th Anniversary

As Richard D. Hall (the tireless researcher and host of RichplanetTV) has reminded us, we are less than a week away from the 5th anniversary of the Cumbria shootings. Richard notes: "Don't let mainstream media get away with reminding people of their bogus official story. PLEASE help bring awareness of the truth about this case by sending these links to as many people as you can BEFORE they repeat their propaganda next week." The links he refers to are for his most recent film "PATSY DRIVER - The Cumbria Shootings." The links are below and well worth taking the time to watch. Anybody who has been duped by the "official" story of these events will get a real eye-opener with this film. I was asked late last year what my response would be if I was able to impart a gem of insight to others, but could only answer with half a dozen or so words. My answer: "Never trust the media!" I still find it staggering that apathy and intellectual "lockdown" leads so many people to totally believe and trust the cow-dung that they have thrown their way every single time they turn on a TV set. I try (and, believe me, there are many ways to do it!) to show people just how divisive, subversive and (yes, I won't hesitate to use this word these days) dangerous the media really is. "Patsy Driver" effectively reflects my own convictions on this subject along with several other equally disturbing factors.

Whilst on the subject of media propaganda, it is also worth checking out Richard's latest film about Madeleine McCann: The Phantoms - The True Story of Madeleine McCann. Yet more excellent and insightful research is revealed here:

I also want to point out one of Richard's other projects currently in the development stages: The Richplanet Energy Research Project. For more information check out this episode of RichplanetTV:


  1. hi Carl Hope you and yours are feeling great! Thank you for the work you are doing.

  2. Cheers Ron! Hope all is well with you my friend.
    All the best. Carl.
