Saturday, 27 October 2012

It's Alright!

As promised, here is a track from from my album project "Songs For Chaotic Times". The song is called "Song For Chaotic Times" (It's Alright) and is actually the final track on the album. I've had some compression problems in order to upload it to YouTube, but the sound is still good. You may want to fiddle with your equalizers and turn it up (and it is obviously better with headphones!), but it is all pretty much there.

Hope you like it and don't forget to give it a thumbs up on YouTube!
All the best!
Carl (The 'Guide)

Here is the link and embedded video:


Anonymous said...

Well done.

- Aangirfan said...

I love it Carl, awesome. Has a Traveling Wilbury sound to it.

Keep up the fantastic work, one song, one person, one essay, one blog, ONE BEINGNESS.....

In Lak'ech, brother Carl, supporting truth living with love...

The Truth Seeker's Guide said...

Cheers for the support Aangirfan.
All the best!
Carl (The 'Guide)

The Truth Seeker's Guide said...

Many thanks Chris.
Really glad you liked it.
All the best my friend.
Carl (The 'Guide)

captron52 said...

Even better than I anticipated. And of course I expected the best and you delivered big time! Thanks Carl.Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us!

The Truth Seeker's Guide said...

I really apreciate the support Cap.
Glad you enjoyed it.
All the best to you and yours my friend.
Carl (The 'Guide)