For example, Jay Weidner, a researcher who has virtually dedicated his studies to Stanley Kubrick and the global agenda, has plausibly demonstrated that the front-projection process (used so successfully in the "Dawn of Man" sequences of Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey”) shares key similarities with some of the abnormalities identified in the Apollo “Moon” footage – such as the clear lines of definition between the rough foreground and the smooth background. http://jayweidner.com/
To understand Kubrick’s connection with the agenda elite and the military industrial complex, one must look back at his career as a whole. Kubrick is remembered as being a notorious perfectionist with a meticulous attention to detail. Work on his films was laboured and incredibly lengthy. Actors were pushed to the limits of their ability and patience as (often) scores of takes of one short scene were repeatedly filmed (Tom Cruise was filmed 90 times walking through a doorway in “Eyes Wide Shut”!) until Kubrick was satisfied with the result. It is known that there was no piece of set dressing or background that hadn’t been placed or framed without his prior approval or specific reasoning. The same is also said of his wardrobe choices and actor’s appearances. This should come as no surprise, given that Kubrick began his profession as a photographer – an art that requires a precise knowledge of framing and context in order to be proficient.
Some researchers have claimed that Kubrick became trapped within his profession and that his art became a conduit through which he used allusion and imagery to reveal greater truths that he had come to realise. It is also claimed that his alleged involvement in the Apollo hoax would have abetted these circumstances. However, Kubrick’s disdain for aspects of the establishment was already apparent much earlier in his career.

“Lacking cooperation from the Pentagon in the making of the film, the set designers reconstructed the aircraft cockpit to the best of their ability by comparing the cockpit of a B-29 Superfortress and a single photograph of the cockpit of a B-52, and relating this to the geometry of the B-52's fuselage. The B-52 was state-of-the-art in the 1960s, and its cockpit was off-limits to the film crew. When some United States Air Force personnel were invited to view the reconstructed B-52 cockpit, they said that ‘it was absolutely correct, even to the little black box which was the CRM.’ It was so accurate that Kubrick was concerned whether Ken Adam's production design team had done all of their research legally, fearing a possible investigation by the FBI.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Strangelove See also: "Inside the Making of Dr. Strangelove," a documentary included with the 40th Anniversary Special Edition DVD of the film
The stunning realisation of this aircraft (at least by the cinematic standards of the day) allegedly prompted certain figures in The Pentagon to ask just how Kubrick was getting access to such highly accurate and closely guarded information. Over a few short years, Kubrick became a man with extensive agenda connections. He became so powerful and influential within the Hollywood industry that, by the time he worked on “2001: A Space Odyssey”, he actually banned MGM executives from the set of his film.
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Harry Lange |
Ordway and Lange created an elaborate network of establishment and industry connections to assist the production of the film. In his piece, “2001: A Space Odyssey in Retrospect” Ordway explains, “we relied heavily on advice and material provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and by a considerable number of private companies and universities… I found myself visiting General Electric's Missile and Space Vehicle Department near Philadelphia on Discovery propulsion; the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, on deep space communications; the Whirlpool Corporation at Benton Harbor, Michigan on food equipment to be used aboard Orion III and Aries IB; Honeywell, Inc. in Minneapolis on a variety of vehicular controls; and IBM in Armonk, New York, and its Eliot Noyes contractor in New Canaan, Connecticut, on all our computer sequences. Cooperative arrangements made from our New York base were later continued throughout production at the M-G-M British Studios in Borehamwood, England.” http://www.visual-memory.co.uk/amk/doc/0075.html
The involvement of Bell Labs and IBM is particularly interesting given their agenda connections. Both worked extensively on synthetic speech research. “One of the more famous moments in Bell Labs' synthetic speech research was the sample created by John L. Kelly in 1962, using an IBM 704 computer. Kelly's vocoder synthesizer recreated the song "Bicycle Built for Two," with musical accompaniment from Max Mathews. Arthur C. Clarke, then visiting friend and colleague John Pierce at the Bell Labs Murray Hill facility, saw this remarkable demonstration and later used it in the climactic scene of his novel and screenplay for 2001: A Space Odyssey, where the HAL9000 computer sings this song as he is disassembled by astronaut Dave Bowman.” http://www.bell-labs.com/news/1997/march/5/2.html
The spelling of the name “HAL” is notably only one letter removed from “IBM”.
According to Ordway, it was Arthur C. Clarke (who co-wrote the screenplay of the film with Kubrick) who was responsible his and Lange’s involvement in the film.http://www.visual-memory.co.uk/amk/doc/0075.html
Clarke had extensive connection with those in the highest levels of NASA – including a close friendship with former Nazi and NASA rocket scientist Werner Von Braun. According to researcher and author William Lyne, “In August 1949, von Braun was made an honorary member of the British Interplanetary Society, through his friend, Arthur C. Clarke.” (William Lyne, "Pentagon Aliens", 3rd edition, 1999, pg. 115)
One further point of note, that has somehow embellished the Kubrick / Apollo connection, is the use of three super-fast 50mm lenses (Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f/0.7 - developed by Zeiss for use by NASA in the Apollo moon landings) in the filming of Kubrick’s 1975 film “Barry Lyndon”.
“For the many densely furnished interior scenes, this meant shooting by candlelight, a feat difficult enough in still photography, let alone with moving images to capture. For months they tinkered with different combinations of lenses and film stock to make this possible, before getting hold of a number of super-fast 50mm lenses developed by Zeiss for use by NASA in the Apollo moon landings. With their huge aperture and fixed focal length, mounting these was a nightmare, but they managed it, and so Kubrick's vision of recreating the huddle and glow of a pre-electrical age was miraculously put on screen.”
The use of three of these incredibly rare and valuable lenses (apparently only ten were ever made) has raised a few eyebrows. Moreover, the fact that he was in possession of equipment used to document the “Moon landing” has further compounded his connection to Apollo 11. However, Kubrick acquired the lenses during the production of “Barry Lyndon”, after they were no longer being used by NASA (the lenses were all-but sold by the agency to private parties.) Additionally, the lenses were designed for still photography and had to be extensively modified for motion picture filming.
In Part 4, I will examine the notion that Kubrick's film "The Shining" holds many clues to his potential involvement in the Apollo hoax.
Keep Shining Folks!
Kubrick Related Articles:
Updates, 6th Annual British Exopolitics Expo & More Stanley Kubrick Apollo Fakery - http://thetruthseekersguide.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/updates-6th-annual-british-exopolitics.html
Foxes, Saturn, Kubrick, Doctor Who and The Singularity - http://thetruthseekersguide.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/foxes-saturn-kubrick-doctor-who-and.html
A Movie About Kubrick Faking the Moon Landing? - http://thetruthseekersguide.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/a-movie-about-kubrick-faking-moon.html
Stanley Kubrick - Updates - http://thetruthseekersguide.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/stanley-kubrick-updates.html
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-one/paperback/product-23209429.html
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html