Continued from Part 2...
Room 23
One of the more curious moments in “Lost” is the scene where we witness the technology created by The Dharma Initiative used to carry out experiments in mind control and subliminal messaging. The scene where Karl is strapped to the chair is reminiscent of Alex’s conditioning in “A Clockwork Orange”. Images are flashes rapidly across a large screen. These include: the masonic compass and set square, black and white piano keys, one eye and a pair of red lips, a face with two tears on each cheek, a Buddha statue, several images of dolls, a red and black square grid pattern, images of stars and galaxies, a partially eclipsed moon, some fish, a nest, an insect, a swirling pattern with an ‘S’ in the centre, a pendant with an eye painted on it, cogs and gears, a staircase, a totem with eyes shaped like an owls, a factory and some fireworks going off. The on screen messages include: “plant a seed and you will joyfully gather fruit”, “everything changes”, “we are the cause of our own suffering”, “think about your life” and “God loves you as he loved Jacob.”
One of the more curious moments in “Lost” is the scene where we witness the technology created by The Dharma Initiative used to carry out experiments in mind control and subliminal messaging. The scene where Karl is strapped to the chair is reminiscent of Alex’s conditioning in “A Clockwork Orange”. Images are flashes rapidly across a large screen. These include: the masonic compass and set square, black and white piano keys, one eye and a pair of red lips, a face with two tears on each cheek, a Buddha statue, several images of dolls, a red and black square grid pattern, images of stars and galaxies, a partially eclipsed moon, some fish, a nest, an insect, a swirling pattern with an ‘S’ in the centre, a pendant with an eye painted on it, cogs and gears, a staircase, a totem with eyes shaped like an owls, a factory and some fireworks going off. The on screen messages include: “plant a seed and you will joyfully gather fruit”, “everything changes”, “we are the cause of our own suffering”, “think about your life” and “God loves you as he loved Jacob.”
Oz and Alice
In keeping with the Disney aspects of “Lost”, two stories are referenced regularly in the show – “The Wizard of Oz” and “Alice in Wonderland.” Both have mind control relevance either as part of the programming or a source of “triggers.” In an early episode, Charlie says, “every trip needs a coward” (cowardly lion.) A later episode has a conversation where John Locke says to Benjamin Linus, “you are the man behind the curtain, the Wizard of Oz… and you’re a liar.” It is curious that Ben is initially introduced under the alias “Henry Gale” who crashed on the island in a balloon. Henry Gale and the balloon are directly lifted from Oz. Ben’s flashback episode is entitled “The Man behind the Curtain.”
There are several occurrences of the phrase “over the rainbow” and (during a latter episode) Hurley and Sayid sit awaiting food outside the “Rainbow Drive-In”. The neon sign has a huge rainbow above it. In a key episode involving Desmond’s flashback/time travel experience, a man is crushed by falling debris leaving his red shoed feet (ruby slippers) sticking out the rubble.
As for “Alice”, episode titles include: “White Rabbit” and “Through the Looking Glass.” The first discovered Dharma Hatch is called “The Swan” (Queen of Heart’s court) and the season one cliff-hanger moment of decent into the hatch is described as “going down the rabbit-hole.” White Rabbits are liberally seen throughout. A white rabbit used by a magician in the old folk’s home that Jack visits to see his Granddad, a white rabbit garden ornament is visible in Miles’ flashback, and there are white rabbits in cages in the lab where Charles Widmore carries out his “EM/reality” experiment on Desmond. The Dharma Initiative uses them in “time travel” experiments and the same rabbits appear in their “orientation” (programming) films. Another Dharma Station is called “The Looking Glass” and has a rabbit on its logo. A poster and album cover from the band “Geronimo Jackson” (who are referenced heavily in the show) have white rabbits in the artwork.
In Ben’s first flashback episode, he uses a white rabbit to test the sonic fence surrounding the Dharma Barracks. Once he knows it is safe to pass through, he wanders into the unknown – metaphorically “down the rabbit hole”. He is drawn into the wilderness by a vision of his dead mother – blonde hair, blue/white dress and headband (the classic image of “Alice”.)In a flash-forward episode, Jack reads a section from “Alice” to Aaron as a bedtime story. Quote: “If I’m not the same, the next question is who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle.” Jack reveals that he was read to as a child (from “Alice”) by his dad. The poster on the back of Aaron’s bedroom door is the suited white rabbit from Alice.
There are some strange reality-bending occurrences when several characters discover “The Orchid” Dharma Station. Make of this what you will! It is the sixth of six stations. The orientation video shows Dr. Edgar Halliwax (another character appearing under several aliases) holding a white rabbit. In various viral promotional videos for Lost, the white rabbit was seen to “jump through time”. The rabbit has a number “15” painted on his side. The station contains an energy chamber nicknamed “The Vault”. Quote: “This is the vault, constructed adjacent to a pocket of what we believe to be negatively charged exotic matter. Great care must be taken to avoid leaving inorganic materials inside the chamber. The electromagnetic field within the island can be highly volatile and unpredictable. Now, for your own safety and the safety of those around you, metallic objects must never be placed within the vault. In our first demonstration, we will attempt to shift the test subject (the rabbit) 100 milliseconds ahead in four dimensional spaces. For the briefest of moments the animal will seem to disappear, but in reality…”

The notion of energy is addressed but never in any great depth in “Lost”. “The Lamppost” Dharma Station sits on top of a pocket of EM energy which is linked to other such points on the Earth (Earth Chakra Points? Leylines?) The island moves location according to a pattern. The two EM rings, between which Desmond is reluctantly strapped, look like Stargates (tying into theories of a connection between energy and Egyptian mythology.)
The code to deactivate the “Looking Glass” signal jammer is the musical notation of “Good Vibrations” by The Beach Boys. The character of Daniel Faraday was named as such (by the producers) as a nod to “the godfather of electromagnetic science”, Michael Faraday. Daniel’s mother, Eloise Hawking (named after Stephen Hawking) wears an “ouroboros” pendant and purple shawl during a flashback. An EM pulse emitted from the imploding “Swan Hatch” creates a Purple Haze in the sky above the island. In studying the relevance of various colours, Purple crops up quite a bit and is often (in fiction) associated with energy and/or the “shadow of death”. There is also the “hidden map”, visible under ultra violet light during a “lockdown” of “The Swan” Station.
One of Dharma Orientation films explains that The Initiative was established to carry out research into “meteorology, psychology, parapsychology and zoology, electromagnetism and utopian social ideals.” The island has access to unlimited energy and The Dharma Initiative wants to use it to manipulate time.
The producers freely admit to their liberal referencing of “The Wizard of Oz”, “Alice in Wonderland” and “Lord of the Flies” (which appears in an episode) – specifically the “unseen monster” and the “civilised vs. savage” dynamic. References to other works of literature appear throughout. The producers state that Stephen King’s “The Stand” was a huge influence in creating Lost. Other books seen onscreen (and referenced) include “Watership Down” by Richard Adams (rabbits!), “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L'Engle , “A Turn of the Screw” by Henry James, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce (Masonic Owl), “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “Lancelot” by Walker Percy, “Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret” by Judy Blume, “Carrie” by Stephen King (One of Juliet’s book club readers ‘Adam’ says about Carrie, “It’s not even literature… there’s no metaphor. It’s religious hokum pokum. Its science fiction!”), “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking (The Royal Society & Freemasonry), “Our Mutual Friend” by Charles Dickens, “Laughter In The Dark” by Vladimir Nabokov, “Catch 22” by Joseph Heller, “Valis” by Philip K Dick, “The Survivors of the Chancellor” by Jules Verne, “The Shape of Things to Come” by H. G. Wells (alleged New World Order agendas), “A Separate Reality” by Carlos Castaneda, “Ulysses” by James Joyce, “Everything That Rises Must Converge” By Flannery O’Connor, “Y: The Last Man” by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra, “The Fountainhead” by Ayn Rand, and a “fictional” work of literature called “Bad Twin” (mind control alters, perceptions of reality.) On Michael Dawson’s TV (as he attempts suicide) is the quiz show “Hollywood Squares”. The question is inaudible; however the correct answer is “Kurt Vonnegut”. Vonnegut’s literature is significant in esoteric research. “The Third Policeman” (by Flann O'Brien) with the ultimate revelation that the main character is actually dead, is seen and also played a part in the origins of “Lost.” This tapped into the “purgatory zeitgeist” according to Carlton Cuse.
The producers freely admit to their liberal referencing of “The Wizard of Oz”, “Alice in Wonderland” and “Lord of the Flies” (which appears in an episode) – specifically the “unseen monster” and the “civilised vs. savage” dynamic. References to other works of literature appear throughout. The producers state that Stephen King’s “The Stand” was a huge influence in creating Lost. Other books seen onscreen (and referenced) include “Watership Down” by Richard Adams (rabbits!), “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L'Engle , “A Turn of the Screw” by Henry James, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce (Masonic Owl), “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “Lancelot” by Walker Percy, “Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret” by Judy Blume, “Carrie” by Stephen King (One of Juliet’s book club readers ‘Adam’ says about Carrie, “It’s not even literature… there’s no metaphor. It’s religious hokum pokum. Its science fiction!”), “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking (The Royal Society & Freemasonry), “Our Mutual Friend” by Charles Dickens, “Laughter In The Dark” by Vladimir Nabokov, “Catch 22” by Joseph Heller, “Valis” by Philip K Dick, “The Survivors of the Chancellor” by Jules Verne, “The Shape of Things to Come” by H. G. Wells (alleged New World Order agendas), “A Separate Reality” by Carlos Castaneda, “Ulysses” by James Joyce, “Everything That Rises Must Converge” By Flannery O’Connor, “Y: The Last Man” by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra, “The Fountainhead” by Ayn Rand, and a “fictional” work of literature called “Bad Twin” (mind control alters, perceptions of reality.) On Michael Dawson’s TV (as he attempts suicide) is the quiz show “Hollywood Squares”. The question is inaudible; however the correct answer is “Kurt Vonnegut”. Vonnegut’s literature is significant in esoteric research. “The Third Policeman” (by Flann O'Brien) with the ultimate revelation that the main character is actually dead, is seen and also played a part in the origins of “Lost.” This tapped into the “purgatory zeitgeist” according to Carlton Cuse.
The purgatory theme was utilised by the producers as a red herring to misdirected viewers who sought a deeper meaning from “Lost.” There are numerous religious themes throughout including: Virgin Mary statues (containing Heroin!), “The 23rd Psalm” (also an episode title), Mr Eko being a priest, Charlie once being a devout Catholic, Desmond training to be a priest, the notion of “man of science, man of faith” (also an episode title), “lift up your eyes and look north”, Jacob’s ability to grant people the desire to have “life eternal”, and the underlying significance of the name “Jacob”. The origin story of Jacob and his rival brother, the “man in black”, has religious connotations. Themes of light versus dark intertwined with protecting the island – which is revealed to be “a cork designed to keep evil and malevolence bottled up and prevent it from spreading.” A spring of water is revealed to be (Quote) “the source… life, death, rebirth… a little of this light is in every man, but they always want more.” (Jacob’s Mother)
In early episodes dealing with the character of Hurley, he says that he believes that the island isn’t real and that his life off the island is the “real world.” In the flash forward episodes, Hurley says that the “Oceanic Six” (another “six”!) survivors are all dead and never got off the island. Sawyer and Juliet refer to leaving the island as “returning to the real world.” Quote: “It’s not real. We’re only puppets. Puppets on strings” (Locke) “We are stuck in a bloody snow globe!” (Desmond) This also links into themes of perceived reality and, by extension, the exploited zeitgeist used by purveyors of the aforementioned trauma based mind control phenomenon.
The survivors are frequently visited by dead people (a la “The Sixth Sense” – also made by Disney) and often refer to “miracles” as having occurred on the island. The idea of limbo and “being judged by the island” for past deeds played into the early days of “Lost.” The show’s large fan base loved to ruminate about “the meaning” of it all, and speculation that the island was “purgatory” became very popular. The producers utilised this later in the series when Locke’s dad says that they are in “hell”, as does the never-aging character Richard Alpert. In “Exodus”, Sun says to Shannon, “do you think all this… all we’ve been through… do you think we are being punished… the things we did before, the secrets we kept, the lies we told?” Shannon asks, “Who do you think is punishing us?” Sun replies, “Fate.”
The final card played in the “Lost” saga was a contrived (once again) reality bending series of “sideways” narrative flashes. Many believed these to be snapshots of an alternative reality where the plane crash never took place. In reality it turned out to be some afterlife, wishy-washy, new world order, and one religion/global religion propaganda. The clues should have been apparent all along. However, they were hammered home in the final episode with the return of Jack’s father, the misleadingly named “Christian Shephard”. Jack is lead into the back room of a church containing a Buddha statue, a Holy Cross, a Menorah, etc. The stained glass window has all the major symbols of “faith” – an ecumenical “new world, new age religion.” Christian says, “this is the place that you all made together so that you could find one another…There is no ‘now’ here.” With that, all the characters reunite together, laughing and smiling together, basking in the light shining through the symbols on the glass.
Personally, I have nothing against religious beliefs existing side by side and believe that those who have such “faiths” should also practice tolerance. However, I have come to understand that “religion”, as a concept, generally exists as a construct of engineered consent. The greater plan, of those involved with hidden global agendas, most likely includes step to bring various faiths under an umbrella, one world religion… and probably not for the betterment of mankind. Given that “Lost” is a product of Disney, and that Disney allies itself with many of the agenda players, I am extremely sceptical and cautious of the ultimate message that “Lost” portrays.
The truly disturbing thing about “Lost” is not the ending though. It is, rather, the way in which it swept up a huge swathe of fans. Remember the days when “The X-Files” took over the world and slightly opened a crack in the door to larger perspectives? “Lost” took that door and firmly slammed it shut. There should (or could) have been something rather revelatory within the framework of the show. On the occasions when it touched upon some of the energy concepts, it could have served to enlighten its audience: directed free energy concepts, existential life-force energy, and so on. However, most of this was largely discarded or remained unexplored by the end of its run. What did remain was consistent with the way the mainstream media safely “fictionalises” and “muddles” these concepts. Again, this should ultimately come as no surprise to anyone with a passing knowledge of Disney’s track record and shadier past associations.
In typical fashion, the hypnotic power of theme and symbolism played its usual role… only in this case it surpassed expectations and signalled the direction forward for 21st century entertainment drama. The show had secured its place in history. Yes, the viewing figures declined in later seasons… but by then the damage was done.
Despite having delusions of science fiction, the premise killed off the last few pure science fiction shows on TV… shows that might have said something worth listening. All that remains now is style over substance and lashings of fantasy, masonic symbolism and occult tendencies. Today, all US (and Western World) drama output follows the “Lost” model in some form. This is the legacy of the show… that and a very secure financial future for “The JJ Brigade”. They got their hands on Star Trek, played in Ridley Scott and Steven Spielberg’s sand box, created a load of hollow franchises, and now they’ve got their hands on Star Wars. I dread to think what they’re capable of next….
Until next time,
The Truth Seeker’s Guide.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
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Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One -
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two -
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics -