I will be presenting my most recent talk - "Disney Darkside" - at the Truth Juice Hull group on Wednesday 12th July, 2017. The talk will begin at approx. 7.30pm. The venue address is The Walton Street Club, Walton Street, HULL, HU3 6JR. Admission costs and details are as follows: £5 Waged/ £3 Un-Waged / Donation / or whatever you can manage even if that is nothing. Truth Juice Hull is NON-PROFIT making and the venue is FREE. Lack of money will never be an issue with attending the talks. For more details, visit: http://hull.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2017/04/carl-james-in-hull-on-120717/ or email truthjuicehull@yahoo.co.uk
For those of you interested in coming along, here is an overview of the talk.
"Disney is synonymous with wholesome values, memorable stories and films that will put a smile on the faces of all the family. But is there something far more sinister lurking beneath the surface of the “House of Mouse”? In this presentation, alternative knowledge researcher and author of the book “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda” will examine the long-known “dark side” of Disney – looking at its documented relationship with the military / industrial complex, and their use of embedded sexual and arcane symbolism, social engineering and fragmentation, alleged mind control programming, and so on. Carl will also recount how his research brought him into contact with a prominent Disney insider and how this contact set him off on an even darker investigation – one that involves the likes of J.J. Abrams, Star Wars, Saturn worship, energy, consciousness, transformation, and the very nature of reality. In asking the question – what are Disney really up to? – Carl may have uncovered a startling answer with implications for all of humanity."
If you are able to post details about this talk / event on your social media feed or website, I would really appreciate it. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everybody who made me feel so welcome during my recent visit to the High Wycombe Paranormal Meet-Up Group. I had a great time and met some truly intelligent, interesting and lovely people during my presentation and the overall stay. A special thank you also to Andrew Johnson, Menna (and her family!) and Neil - the organiser of the Paranormal Meet-Up Group.
Many thanks again for all your continued support and I hope to see you at Truth Juice Hull!
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide)