My decision to add my presence to Facebook was prompted by some words of wisdom shared with me by several of my trusted fellow alternative knowledge researchers. Like me, they are well aware that Facebook is sizeably little more than a vast data collection archive for the likes of Western Intelligence agencies (a evidentially documented fact just in case there are any naysayers out there who believe otherwise!) and a testbed for all manner of social engineering projects orchestrated by the various hands of the global agenda elite players who control and steer most of what goes on around us on a day-to-day basis. All that aside, it makes sense not to shun the likes of Facebook on those grounds alone. If we are mindful of the trite and trivial debris that floats almost luminously around the ether of Facebook, we can also recognise a lot of good things. I have now realise that there are many people on Facebook who use the platform to share insightful knowledge to those who perhaps lived blissfully unaware of certain truths beforehand. Others use it to organise social activism, to try to prevent injustices, to inform people about events and platforms that work to gather and better educate those looking to understand what this vast uncertain sea that we call “life” is perhaps really all about.
As somebody who tries very hard to raise awareness about various truths and share knowledge with others, I recognise that it is important to spread the word as far and wide as possible. In this day and age, the internet appears to be the principle way to share useful information. Yet, it has recently come to my attention that, for some people, the internet IS Facebook and little else. Many people no longer spend hour after long hour trawling through thousands of webpages, reading long articles (or, heaven forbid, a book!), or patiently watching an informative but lengthy video to the very end. Our new age is one of fast and instant bite-sized nuggets of info… many people no longer have the stomach or the patience for anything else. If so, I’d better draw my thoughts to a close now for fear of going on too long!
In brief, I have joined Facebook!
All that I share here and elsewhere on the internet, I will now share on my Facebook page as well. If anybody wishes to seek me out there and add me as a friend and such, the link to page is below. Please note that I am still something of a Facebook Luddite! It is taking me time to figure things out! I also don’t have access (as many people do) to Facebook via my phone (another aspect of my Luddite-esque nature!) only via my PC. I will check in a few times a week to post material and check messages and such. I don’t imagine I will be present for long stretches each day like many users. That said, I do appreciate anybody taking the time to follow my work and research and for sharing it with others. Understanding the true nature of our reality begins with knowledge, so it is always vital that we share it any way we can.
My Facebook page:
August 2017 Updates
The last month or so has seen some big changes in my life. I don’t want to get into too much detail here, but personal circumstances have steered me toward a new journey in my life. A week ago, I waved a thoughtful goodbye to my working life of over twenty years in the healthcare profession. I am in the very fortunate position of being able to remove myself from the mainstream “work” paradigm – at least for a while anyway. As of now, I am dedicating a large portion of my time to alternative knowledge research, writing, interviews and talks. In the last week alone, I have taken part in two interviews – one with Mark Devlin for his Good Vibrations podcast and the other with Taj and Nyssa of The Divine Truth / Revolution Radio show. Both will be available to listen to shortly and I will post the links and relevant information here as soon as that information is accessible. I am currently getting to work on writing several new books. It is a little early to reveal too much about these books, but I can say that one of them will be my first venture into fictional writing! Watch this space…
I have done a number of presentations around the UK in the last few months. I just want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who managed to attend and spread the word about those events. Your support is truly appreciated. Also, once again, a big thank you to those who came to the High Wycombe Paranormal Group – Menna, Neil, Taj, Ben, the list goes on. Special thanks to Menna and Andrew Johnson for making it all possible. A huge thank you also to Kirsty from the Truth Juice Hull group – not only for making me so welcome in Hull but also for her ongoing efforts to promote and share so much of the work I have accumulated over the last 12 months. A big thank you also to my friend Jan – my faithful train-travelling companion on the journey to and from Hull! I must note that we managed to raise £165.46 for the Hull Samaritans on the night of my talk at Hull. A job well-done!
As always, my heartfelt appreciation and positive energies go out to each and every one of you who has supported and continues to support all my efforts and work. I couldn’t do it without you! It never to ceases to amaze me that there really are so many positive and caring people in this thing we call “life”. Imagine what could be achieved if everybody else adopted this, oh so simple to grasp, attitude. Some food for thought…!
Until next time!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)