Season’s Greetings folks! Hope you are all well.
It has been quite a while since I last posted anything here on my blog. For reasons too numerous to get into here, it has been necessary for me to take an extended break from my alternative-knowledge work and research throughout 2018. By extension, I have also taken a complete break from being online until very recently. During my absence I have been contacted by various people on a variety of matters. First of all, I just want to say how much I appreciate your messages and concern over my whereabouts (!), and apologize for not having responded for so long. All I can say is that the break has been necessary and I will try to catch up (with those who have tried to contact me) in the coming weeks.
As for my work, normal services will finally (hopefully!) start to resume in the New Year. I have very recently been finishing up some research/writing that I put on hold at the end of 2017 and will have some updates for you in that area in the coming weeks. I have had some inquiries about my availability for talks and interviews - I will contact these people individually. For now, as I have nothing currently readied, I am placing talks and interviews on hold for the time being to concentrate on research and writing. I am hoping to get back to doing some talks and interviews around late spring/early summer 2019 - providing all goes as planned.
For now, I just want to say a big thank you for the continuing support that people have shown me and wish you all a very happy holiday and a healthy and prosperous new year!
Saturday, 22 December 2018
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Richplanet 2018 UK Tour
Richard D. Hall is currently holding his 2018 UK Tour with speaking events throughout the country. Due to numerous circumstances, this is the first opportunity I have had to post information about the tour here on my blog. As a result, several event dates have come and gone in the last week or two. However (as of the date and time of posting this blog), a number of events are still to be held. Below, I have reposted the details of the tour from the Richplanet website and listed the remaining venues and related information. Richard's UK Tours are well worth taking the time to attend as his speaking subjects are thoroughly researched, thoughtful, often funny, and always informative. Please try to attend one of the remaining speaking events if you can. You won't be disappointed!
The following is from the Richplanet website:
"In this years tour Richard will be launching his latest film entitled "Kill Jill, The Dando Assassination Explained". The film, available to pre order here, looks at all the popular theories for the motive behind Jill Dando's murder, and brings comprehensive circumstantial evidence to light which has not been considered by the police or independent researchers. This is another case where it seems the state were involved in a crime and the cover up of a crime. In the UK, over recent years there have been a number of what the media describe as "terrorist" attacks. Richard will discuss the phenomenon as a whole and then focus on one or two of these very dubious events, attempting to highlight evidence and bring clarity to help understand what is really going on. We will also delve into the area of how people obtain their information and how the landscape is changing and being manipulated to prevent the most important information becoming widely known about. There have been more bizzare animal mutilations occuring in the UK, still with no satisfctory explanation - in particular hundreds of cats being found mutilated around greater London and further afield. Richard will present some preliminary findings about this phenomenon. Following on from his research into the very dubious Mars Rover programme and the recent expose on Richplanet of the very dubious Apollo (moon landing) programme, we will look at some compelling information about Mars that it seems has been suppressed. And also look with a very critical eye at some of the commercial ventures which claim to be attempting to send peolple to Mars in a rocket (firework). Richard will also discuss some of his UFO related research, both evidence based and the current politics surrounding this subject. I will try and think of some jokes too. TICKETS : £12"
LONDON Sun 29.4.2018 7:30pm Kingston Working Mens Club, KT2 6ND
COLCHESTER Mon 30.4.2018 7:30pm Marks Tey Hotel, CO6 1DU
WESTON SUPER MARE Tue 1.5.2018 7:30pm The Grand Atlantic Hotel, BS23 1BA
NOTTINGHAM (With guest Andrew Johnson) Wed 2.5.2018 7:30pm The Bonington Theatre, NG5 7EE
MERTHYR TYDFIL Thu 3.5.2018 7:30pm Merthyr Tydfil Rugby Club, CF48 1BA - NOTE: THIS VENUE IS SOLD OUT
BELFAST Sat 5.5.2018 7:30pm Wellington Park Hotel, BT9 6RU
The following is from the Richplanet website:
"In this years tour Richard will be launching his latest film entitled "Kill Jill, The Dando Assassination Explained". The film, available to pre order here, looks at all the popular theories for the motive behind Jill Dando's murder, and brings comprehensive circumstantial evidence to light which has not been considered by the police or independent researchers. This is another case where it seems the state were involved in a crime and the cover up of a crime. In the UK, over recent years there have been a number of what the media describe as "terrorist" attacks. Richard will discuss the phenomenon as a whole and then focus on one or two of these very dubious events, attempting to highlight evidence and bring clarity to help understand what is really going on. We will also delve into the area of how people obtain their information and how the landscape is changing and being manipulated to prevent the most important information becoming widely known about. There have been more bizzare animal mutilations occuring in the UK, still with no satisfctory explanation - in particular hundreds of cats being found mutilated around greater London and further afield. Richard will present some preliminary findings about this phenomenon. Following on from his research into the very dubious Mars Rover programme and the recent expose on Richplanet of the very dubious Apollo (moon landing) programme, we will look at some compelling information about Mars that it seems has been suppressed. And also look with a very critical eye at some of the commercial ventures which claim to be attempting to send peolple to Mars in a rocket (firework). Richard will also discuss some of his UFO related research, both evidence based and the current politics surrounding this subject. I will try and think of some jokes too. TICKETS : £12"
LONDON Sun 29.4.2018 7:30pm Kingston Working Mens Club, KT2 6ND
COLCHESTER Mon 30.4.2018 7:30pm Marks Tey Hotel, CO6 1DU
WESTON SUPER MARE Tue 1.5.2018 7:30pm The Grand Atlantic Hotel, BS23 1BA
NOTTINGHAM (With guest Andrew Johnson) Wed 2.5.2018 7:30pm The Bonington Theatre, NG5 7EE
MERTHYR TYDFIL Thu 3.5.2018 7:30pm Merthyr Tydfil Rugby Club, CF48 1BA - NOTE: THIS VENUE IS SOLD OUT
BELFAST Sat 5.5.2018 7:30pm Wellington Park Hotel, BT9 6RU
Animal Mutilations,
Jill Dando,
Mars Rover,
Richard D Hall,
Richplanet UK Tour 2018
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
December Updates, More Disney & Season’s Greetings
Apologies for my absence of late. It has been a while since I have posted any new material here on my blog. Some of you may be aware of recent events in my personal life (via some brief postings on my Facebook page). For those of you aren’t aware, my absence is due to the sudden and unexpected passing of my dad in early November. Since that time, things have been very difficult for myself and my family. My time has been spent very much concentrating on family and trying to move forward from our loss. Unfortunately, this has meant that the writing of several new books, further research, making videos and doing talks and interviews has had to go on hold for the moment. I am endeavouring to get things back on track from January 2018 onwards and will bring you any news and updates about the work I placed on hold in November as soon as it is completed.
Before the loss of my dad, I was asked to speak at the AwakeCon 2017 event in Medstead in mid-November – something I was very keen to do – and I said yes. My dad passed away one week before this conference and I was unsure, at the time, if I would be able to attend. My dad was really looking forward to my attending AwakeCon (even though he wasn’t able to attend himself) and kept asking me about it in the days before he passed away. Having spoken to my family at length on the matter, I made the decision to still attend the conference – not only so as to not let down those people organising and attending the conference, but also in memory of my dad.
The conference was excellent and very well organised. I had the opportunity to meet some really wonderful, open-minded, and intelligent people. My huge thanks to Andrew Johnson for getting me there and back safely, and to Menna Campbell-Widdess for her wonderful hospitality over the weekend. Also, thanks to both of them for their support during what was quite an emotionally raw time for me. I also had an opportunity to record an interview with Andrew Johnson about some research I had recently concluded on the subject of the 1938 War of the Worlds psyop. Again, thanks to both Andrew and Menna for making this interview possible. You can watch this interview at the following link: The 1938 War of the Worlds Psyop -
Before I move on, I want to thank all those people who attended AwakeCon 2017 and those people who organised the event and kept things running so smoothly – Tajinder Gill, Sarah Adams, Ben Emlyn Jones, the list goes on. Also, to the wealth of excellent speakers at AwakeCon who made the weekend such a success. Videos of some of the various talks given at the event have now been uploaded to YouTube and can be watched at the following links:
AwakeCon 2017 - David Shayler: The Truth Shall Set You Free -
AwakeCon 2017 - Ben Emlyn-Jones: SETI and UFOs -
AwakeCon 2017 - Thomas Sheridan: Demons Decoded -
AwakeCon 2017 - Tony Topping: UFOs Beyond The Known Paradigm -
AwakeCon 2017 - Andrew Johnson: What on Earth is the Starchild Skull -
AwakeCon 2017 - Cathi Morgan: Deconstructing the Mind Control Matrix -
AwakeCon 2017 - Carl James: Disney Darkside -
More Disney Darkside…
At AwakeCon, I gave an hour-long talk covering an overview of the Disney subject. Much more information on this subject has been coming my way recently. Although I have yet to collate this new data into a publishable form (something I hope to rectify in the early new year), it is worth pointing out the implications of one of the juicier and highly-publicized aspects of this information – that of the Disney buyout of 20th / 21st Century Fox in the last week or so. The unprecedented $52.4 billion deal will ultimately give Disney all of Fox’s entertainment (film and TV) intellectual properties – along with a myriad of other media assets. It has become painfully clear to me in recent years (particularly thanks to my contact with a prominent Disney insider) that Disney have a dark and all-encompassing control agenda with regard to the way the media currently works. The recent deal will allow Disney to hold a substantial sway in the digital download / streaming realm – another area of the contemporary media that they have eyed as a target for monopolization. This would seem to chime with Disney’s plans to use the media to manipulate human consciousness and energy (as my Disney contact has verified).
Interestingly, the Disney / Fox deal also resonates with the research I assembled in my detailed books “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda” – Volumes One & Two. The links for these books are below:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - 2016 Edition Volume One -
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - 2016 Edition Volume Two -
Science fiction and fantasy output in the media can be evidentially documented as having a substantial connection with the goals and agendas of the global ruling elite. The deal between Disney and Fox will shortly place all manner of media science fiction and fantasy intellectual properties under the effective control of Disney. Some of these past and present TV shows include the likes of: Manimal, Automan, Alien Nation, Tales from the Crypt, The X-Files, The Lone Gunmen, Millennium, Space: Above and Beyond, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (co-produced with UPN and WB), Roswell, Harsh Realm, Dark Angel, Freakylinks, 24, Firefly, Tru Calling, Futurama, Wonderfalls, Journeyman, Life on Mars (the US version), Dollhouse, Terra Nova, American Horror Story, Sleepy Hollow, The Last Man on Earth, The Strain, The Gifted, Legion, and The Orville. Culturally iconic TV franchises like The Simpson and Family Guy will also fall to Disney.
Films include: Journey to the Center of the Earth, Fantastic Voyage, One Million Years BC, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Damnation Alley, Cocoon, The Abyss, Solaris (remake), 28 Days Later, The Day After Tomorrow, I Robot, Jumper, The Happening, Babylon A.D., The Day the Earth Stood Still (remake), The Martian, The Revenant, Deadpool, and the films franchises for the Planet of the Apes, The Omen, Alien, Predator, The Fly, Independence Day, The Power Rangers, The X Men, The Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Robots, Night at the Museum, Percy Jackson, The Maze Runner, and Avatar.
It appears that the deal may also include the intellectual properties of the Irwin Allen genre stable - meaning that the likes of Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, and Land of the Giants could also become the intellectual property of Disney.
I will be examining this development and the implications for the future of the science fiction / fantasy genre (and the larger mainstream media/global elite agenda) in Volume Three of Science Fiction and the Hidden Global – a book I hope to write in 2018.
Overall, I have suspected for some time that Disney has a “long game” – one that will conclude with them pretty much controlling the entire entertainment side of the mainstream media. The aforementioned deal will bring Disney so much closer to that goal. It has been speculated that the American political “ruling” elite may step in and veto the deal in its current form at some point in the near future - if the deal is deemed as creating a substantial Disney monopoly. In fact, both Disney and Fox have created cash “payback” clauses in the deal should this happen – a clause that will see one side paying the other a “settlement” of several billion dollars if the deal falls apart. However, I find it unlikely that this will happen. I firmly believe that Disney is fully on-track to seize control of the majority of the media, in-line with its secretive use of the media as a fully-fledged weapon against the masses of humanity. Whilst we can only spread the word about the nature of this agenda, we will have to wait and see how Disney specifically decides to play it out.
Season’s Greetings…
As always, I want to thank everybody who has supported my research and writing, the articles posted here, the videos I have uploaded, the talks and interviews I have given, and, overall, all the other efforts I have made to spread awareness about alternative subjects over the past year. It is truly appreciated. The encouragement, friendship, and positive response that I get from you all makes everything I do worthwhile. In that spirit, I wish you all good health, happiness and positive energy during the festive season and for the year ahead.
See you in 2018!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)
Before the loss of my dad, I was asked to speak at the AwakeCon 2017 event in Medstead in mid-November – something I was very keen to do – and I said yes. My dad passed away one week before this conference and I was unsure, at the time, if I would be able to attend. My dad was really looking forward to my attending AwakeCon (even though he wasn’t able to attend himself) and kept asking me about it in the days before he passed away. Having spoken to my family at length on the matter, I made the decision to still attend the conference – not only so as to not let down those people organising and attending the conference, but also in memory of my dad.
The conference was excellent and very well organised. I had the opportunity to meet some really wonderful, open-minded, and intelligent people. My huge thanks to Andrew Johnson for getting me there and back safely, and to Menna Campbell-Widdess for her wonderful hospitality over the weekend. Also, thanks to both of them for their support during what was quite an emotionally raw time for me. I also had an opportunity to record an interview with Andrew Johnson about some research I had recently concluded on the subject of the 1938 War of the Worlds psyop. Again, thanks to both Andrew and Menna for making this interview possible. You can watch this interview at the following link: The 1938 War of the Worlds Psyop -
Before I move on, I want to thank all those people who attended AwakeCon 2017 and those people who organised the event and kept things running so smoothly – Tajinder Gill, Sarah Adams, Ben Emlyn Jones, the list goes on. Also, to the wealth of excellent speakers at AwakeCon who made the weekend such a success. Videos of some of the various talks given at the event have now been uploaded to YouTube and can be watched at the following links:
AwakeCon 2017 - David Shayler: The Truth Shall Set You Free -
AwakeCon 2017 - Ben Emlyn-Jones: SETI and UFOs -
AwakeCon 2017 - Thomas Sheridan: Demons Decoded -
AwakeCon 2017 - Tony Topping: UFOs Beyond The Known Paradigm -
AwakeCon 2017 - Andrew Johnson: What on Earth is the Starchild Skull -
AwakeCon 2017 - Cathi Morgan: Deconstructing the Mind Control Matrix -
AwakeCon 2017 - Carl James: Disney Darkside -
More Disney Darkside…
At AwakeCon, I gave an hour-long talk covering an overview of the Disney subject. Much more information on this subject has been coming my way recently. Although I have yet to collate this new data into a publishable form (something I hope to rectify in the early new year), it is worth pointing out the implications of one of the juicier and highly-publicized aspects of this information – that of the Disney buyout of 20th / 21st Century Fox in the last week or so. The unprecedented $52.4 billion deal will ultimately give Disney all of Fox’s entertainment (film and TV) intellectual properties – along with a myriad of other media assets. It has become painfully clear to me in recent years (particularly thanks to my contact with a prominent Disney insider) that Disney have a dark and all-encompassing control agenda with regard to the way the media currently works. The recent deal will allow Disney to hold a substantial sway in the digital download / streaming realm – another area of the contemporary media that they have eyed as a target for monopolization. This would seem to chime with Disney’s plans to use the media to manipulate human consciousness and energy (as my Disney contact has verified).
Interestingly, the Disney / Fox deal also resonates with the research I assembled in my detailed books “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda” – Volumes One & Two. The links for these books are below:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - 2016 Edition Volume One -
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - 2016 Edition Volume Two -
Science fiction and fantasy output in the media can be evidentially documented as having a substantial connection with the goals and agendas of the global ruling elite. The deal between Disney and Fox will shortly place all manner of media science fiction and fantasy intellectual properties under the effective control of Disney. Some of these past and present TV shows include the likes of: Manimal, Automan, Alien Nation, Tales from the Crypt, The X-Files, The Lone Gunmen, Millennium, Space: Above and Beyond, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (co-produced with UPN and WB), Roswell, Harsh Realm, Dark Angel, Freakylinks, 24, Firefly, Tru Calling, Futurama, Wonderfalls, Journeyman, Life on Mars (the US version), Dollhouse, Terra Nova, American Horror Story, Sleepy Hollow, The Last Man on Earth, The Strain, The Gifted, Legion, and The Orville. Culturally iconic TV franchises like The Simpson and Family Guy will also fall to Disney.
Films include: Journey to the Center of the Earth, Fantastic Voyage, One Million Years BC, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Damnation Alley, Cocoon, The Abyss, Solaris (remake), 28 Days Later, The Day After Tomorrow, I Robot, Jumper, The Happening, Babylon A.D., The Day the Earth Stood Still (remake), The Martian, The Revenant, Deadpool, and the films franchises for the Planet of the Apes, The Omen, Alien, Predator, The Fly, Independence Day, The Power Rangers, The X Men, The Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Robots, Night at the Museum, Percy Jackson, The Maze Runner, and Avatar.
It appears that the deal may also include the intellectual properties of the Irwin Allen genre stable - meaning that the likes of Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, and Land of the Giants could also become the intellectual property of Disney.
I will be examining this development and the implications for the future of the science fiction / fantasy genre (and the larger mainstream media/global elite agenda) in Volume Three of Science Fiction and the Hidden Global – a book I hope to write in 2018.
Overall, I have suspected for some time that Disney has a “long game” – one that will conclude with them pretty much controlling the entire entertainment side of the mainstream media. The aforementioned deal will bring Disney so much closer to that goal. It has been speculated that the American political “ruling” elite may step in and veto the deal in its current form at some point in the near future - if the deal is deemed as creating a substantial Disney monopoly. In fact, both Disney and Fox have created cash “payback” clauses in the deal should this happen – a clause that will see one side paying the other a “settlement” of several billion dollars if the deal falls apart. However, I find it unlikely that this will happen. I firmly believe that Disney is fully on-track to seize control of the majority of the media, in-line with its secretive use of the media as a fully-fledged weapon against the masses of humanity. Whilst we can only spread the word about the nature of this agenda, we will have to wait and see how Disney specifically decides to play it out.
Season’s Greetings…
As always, I want to thank everybody who has supported my research and writing, the articles posted here, the videos I have uploaded, the talks and interviews I have given, and, overall, all the other efforts I have made to spread awareness about alternative subjects over the past year. It is truly appreciated. The encouragement, friendship, and positive response that I get from you all makes everything I do worthwhile. In that spirit, I wish you all good health, happiness and positive energy during the festive season and for the year ahead.
See you in 2018!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
The 1938 War of the Worlds Psyop
In this video Andrew Johnson and Carl James discuss idea that the 1938 CBS radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds (presented by Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre on the Air) was an psychological experiment to study public reaction (and the potential for psychological manipulation and social engineering) to the output of the mainstream media. Was there really a "mass panic" reaction to the 1938 broadcast? Was the broadcast itself part of a study financed by The Rockefeller Foundation? How much was Orson Welles a part of the psychological experiment and study? How much does the broadcast and psychological study factor into the ET/UFO paradigm? Was the study of the broadcast a "test bed" template / model for the role that the media would play in subsequent historical events like WWII and 9/11? All of these question and more are examined in this discussion.
To view this video on YouTube, click here:
The original 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast is available to listen to here: Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast -
The Rockefeller Foundation Annual Reports can be viewed here:
For more from Andrew Johnson, visit:
For more from Carl James, visit:
Andrew Johnson,
C. D. Jackson,
Dr Judy Wood,
Frank Stanton,
Hadley Cantril,
Orson Welles,
Princeton Radio Research Project,
Rockefeller Foundation,
Stanley Kubrick,
War Of The Worlds
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Book: Climate Change and Global Warming - Exposed: Hidden Evidence, Disguised Plans
"The weather is something which affects all of us, every day of our lives. It dictates our long and short-term plans. In the UK, the weather is the "default topic" of conversation for strangers and friends alike. Though it has obvious and far reaching importance, most people don't know very much about the weather. These days, they don't take time to observe it and probably spend more time looking at a screen than they do looking at the sky. They don't really know why the weather seems to be changing. They are told by mainstream sources that anthropogenic (human) activity is having a negative effect on the weather. This book collects together, for the first time anywhere, a range of diverse data which proves that the whole issue of “climate change” is more complicated and challenging than almost all researchers into all these topics are willing to consider, examine or entertain. The book covers the global warming myth, geoengineering proposals, persistent jet trails, weather anomalies, weather modification, 9/11 and Agenda 21. Most of the people that need to read this book probably won't ever hear about it.
It is hoped that, by the time you have read this book, your world-view will have been shattered completely and you will have learned about the manipulation that you and everyone else, has been subjected to, since talk of global warming and climate change was first heard in the late 1980s. Once you have read and inwardly digested the contents of this book, your immunity against global deception and psychological manipulation will be increased."
Click here for a free PDF download:
Click here to order from ChecktheEvidence:
Click here to order from Amazon (available in all regions, so find it in your region!):
Click here to order from
Click here to order from ChecktheEvidence:
Click here to order from Amazon (available in all regions, so find it in your region!):
Click here to order from
Agenda 21,
Andrew Johnson,
climate change,
Global Warming,
Hurricane Erin,
persistent jet trails,
weather anomalies,
Weather Modification
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Arcade Fire - Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities
I have uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel entitled "Arcade Fire - Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities" -
There is a lot of information in this video that has not really received any attention anywhere. I felt it was time to try and correct that oversight. Some of the information (particularly the embedded "code" in Arcade Fire's video "Signs of Life") is quite staggering and I'm surprised I haven't heard it being discussed in alternative knowledge research circles. Please check out the video, share it far and wide, give it a "thumbs-up", etc., if you want to.
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide)
There is a lot of information in this video that has not really received any attention anywhere. I felt it was time to try and correct that oversight. Some of the information (particularly the embedded "code" in Arcade Fire's video "Signs of Life") is quite staggering and I'm surprised I haven't heard it being discussed in alternative knowledge research circles. Please check out the video, share it far and wide, give it a "thumbs-up", etc., if you want to.
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide)
Andrew Johnson,
Arcade Fire,
Dr Judy Wood,
Everything Now,
Mark Devlin,
Mind Control,
Music Industry,
Neil Sanders,
Richard D Hall,
Saturn Worship
Arcade Fire - Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities
I have uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel called "Arcade Fire - Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities". Please check it out, share, give it a "thumbs-up", etc., if you like.
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide)
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