It’s that time of year again! We argue over the name of it, create an idea in our minds of what it should turn out like (and fall out with each other when it doesn’t), use up our financial assets to adhere to the commercialism of it, listen to people tell us about the dogmatic religious symbology of it, eat even more toxic crap throughout it and finally end up drunk, stoned or asleep because of it!
As you read this you may think ‘bah humbug’ or “here comes another ‘true meaning of the season’ lecture”... I wouldn’t waste your time or mine on such a worthless endeavour. Obviously, it is fair to say that this time of year should be no different than any other. Being a compassionate, understanding and loving human being is a worthy goal and something that should never be defined by a date on the calendar. Rarely do we truly achieve such levels of enlightenment on a permanent basis. Nevertheless, this week does present us with a wonderful opportunity…
A few years ago, I decided to sell some of my artwork on the city craft market (an act now sadly made almost obsolete by extortionately expensive trading licenses) and I cynically chose the weeks leading up to the festive period, simply because I thought I’d sell more to the clamouring shoppers.
ITV evening news had decided to come to the area and run a piece involving interviews with market goers about which hat they felt summed up their ‘Christmas Spirit’. The correspondent handed two hats to the hapless interviewees. One was red saying “Merry Christmas”, the other black saying “Bah Humbug”.
I decided in my infinite stupidity to have a piece of the action and hand over some personal pearls of wisdom! With the camera rolling, I plied my trademark snarky laugh and chose the black hat. When I was asked why, I engaged in a concise tirade about the misperception of the holiday. My thoughts were the usual ‘true meaning’ malarkey, common sense, but far from the controversial and realigned views I hold today.
The piece aired the following day and I was truly surprised to find that I’d been included! Inclusion being the appropriate word: about 3 seconds of me clutching a black Santa hat and grinning like a loon! If nothing else, the lesson taught me to avoid mainstream journalism like the plague. They are the master purveyors of perception realignment.
Perception is at the core of Christmas. Our programming dictates our interaction with it. I have Church of England on my birth certificate, thanks to my parents, and was initially raised with Christian morality… if not the practice. These defining moments in our lives set many wheels in motion, wheels that are not easy to remove from the wagon! My perception of existence (now) is about as far away from organised religion as you can get. Despite this, I continually find myself calling this time of year: Christmas… for no other reason than habit.
And that, my friends, is the true nature of the holidays: habits. Habitual behaviour usually manifests itself because we can’t be bothered to work hard enough to find the alternative perspective. How many people will simply fall in front of the Hypnobox on December 25th and allow its power to take hold once again? I don’t want to preach about the forgotten individuals this time of year: the lonely, the homeless, the suicidal, those in countries that have been ransacked by western wars of occupation, those suffering starvation… the injustice and despair that these people face, should matter every single minute of every day of the year. What I do want to say is this…
All of us have infinite opportunities to change our existence by simply taking the time to psychologically step off the merry-go-round and think about our lives with a fresh perspective. This time of year gives us a chance that is not so readily available any other time. Many people get some time off work and escape the corporate machine. There is no better time to rethink our relationship with it, especially when we are away from it. We might get a chance to reconnect with friends and family (the emotional cement in our lives) and rediscover our kinship and sense of community. These are such two examples of ways to change our perceptions and those of the people around us.
The point I’m trying to make here is that we are slaves to the system. The holidays give us a chance to have a day off and we should try not to waste that brief respite. Think how amazing it would be if everybody learned something profound from the experience and found that it lasted till the next day… and the next…
I can live in hope anyway!
Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, I hope you have a wonderful day.
Peace out folks!!
The Truth Seeker’s Guide
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Friday, 23 December 2011
The War In Orbit - *UPDATE*
Forgot to include this video in my last blog, regarding the possible connection between the NASA/USAF/DARPA unmanned orbital space plane: The X37-B and some of the major earthquakes of 2011. It is from YouTube and directly relates to the subject. I have also included the link to the Youtube page.
Whilst I am not saying that I agree with every single aspect of the video (I sit on the fence with regard to John Lear...), I have included it here because it shows that more and more people are making the connections and starting to think outside the box... rather than always taking conventional explanations for granted. If nothing else, its worth a look!
All The Best.
The 'Guide
Whilst I am not saying that I agree with every single aspect of the video (I sit on the fence with regard to John Lear...), I have included it here because it shows that more and more people are making the connections and starting to think outside the box... rather than always taking conventional explanations for granted. If nothing else, its worth a look!
All The Best.
The 'Guide
Earthquake Weapons,
Falcon Program,
Flying Triangles,
Project Thor,
Rods From God,
Space Shuttle,
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
The War In Orbit: The X37-B & Earthquake Weapons

In the last few months, much has been written and discussed regarding the newer range of US orbital spacecraft: known as the X-37 program. The history of this technology is eyebrow raising to say the least, but it is the possible implications that have set internet forums alight. The craft is essentially an unmanned space plane, launched atop an Atlas V rocket. Weighing in at 11,000 pounds and measuring approx. 9.5 feet high, 30 feet long and 15 feet wide, it is capable of deploying solar panels to provide electrical power in orbit and has a cargo bay for numerous mission payloads. The nature of these payloads has raised questions, given that any specific mission details have remained a closely guarded secret.
Acknowledged publically (at least) is a mandate to “launch a surge of small satellites during periods of high international tension. This would enable America to have eyes and ears, orbiting above any potential trouble spot in the world” (Pentagon sources). There has been speculation that it is testing spy technology, or is the first step towards a space weapon which could take out rival countries' satellites or drop bombs from orbit. The oddest indication of a more sinister project came from Air Force deputy under-secretary for space systems Gary Payton: “We, the Air Force, have a suite of military missions in space and this new vehicle could potentially help us do those missions better…. If these technologies on the vehicle prove to be as good as we estimate, it will make our access to space more responsive, perhaps cheaper, and push us in the vector toward being able to react to war fighter needs more quickly.” Interesting use of the term “War Fighter”…

The project is always referred to in the same sentence as DARPA’s Falcon program or "Force Application and Launch from CONUS." This centres on a small "reusable Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV) capable of delivering 12,000 pounds of payload at a distance of 9,000 nautical miles from [the continental United States] in less than two hours." The budget for this program came at the same time as DARPA became involved with the X-37 program and was allocated by George Bush from a 2004/$459 billion bill that provided $100 million for a new "prompt global strike" program. Global Strike could deliver a conventional, precision-guided warhead anywhere in the world within two hours, via a hypersonic platform.
According to DARPA, the reusable vehicle could "provide the country with significant capability to conduct responsive missions with quick turn-around sortie rates while providing aircraft-like operability and mission-recall capability.” The vehicle would be launched into space on a rocket, fly on its own to a target, deliver its payload and return to Earth. With this in mind, one could argue that the X-37 & Falcon are under the same operational banner. One would therefore also assume that the X-37 is a military application.
Within the Falcon mandate was the “X-41 Common Aero Vehicle (CAV), a common aerial platform for hypersonic ICBMs and cruise missiles, as well as civilian RLVs and ELVs. The prototype Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) first flew on 22 April 2010; the second test flew 11 August 2011. Both flights ended prematurely.” (Wikipedia) There was also the controversial “fighter-sized unmanned aircraft called "Black swift" (also known as HTV-3X) which would take off from a runway and accelerate to Mach 6 before completing its mission and landing again.” DARPA & USAF signed off on the project in September 2007 and allegedly cancelled it within a year. “On 17 November 2011 there was a successful hypersonic glide test flight launched via rocket from Hawaii of the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW). The target was on Kwajalein atoll in the Marshall Islands. The AHW has a shorter range than the HTV-2 and is also part of the Prompt Global Strike program.” Many of the Falcon’s attached projects involved the likes of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, Boeing, and ATK: something worth noting when you thoroughly research the darker corners of developmental or classified technology…
You might say, “This is all well and good, thanks for the tech spec history lesson, but what does this have to do with Earthquakes?”
Following the success of the first 270-day mission in 2010, the second launch (the X-37B - in March 2011) has been studied closely by numerous amateur and expert Sky Watchers. With the X-37B in Earth orbit for the large duration of this year, watchers have been able to track its trajectory, plot its orbits and post their findings at the SeeSat-L website ( and others. Greg Roberts of their group found the USAF's X-37B OTV 2-1 space plane which became identified as Catalogue Number 36514, 2010-015A, OTV-1. "If memory is correct, we have found and are tracking every single object launched in the past five years or more. The only objects we are not able to track are those stationed over areas of the earth where we have no active observers… mainly the central Pacific Ocean area."
A number of researchers took these flight paths and attempted to match up times and locations with some of the Earthquakes of 2011. Eerily, many synchronise within a few hours or miles of each other. Is this just a coincidence? Speculation about EQ weapons has been around for a while now and despite claims from political leaders, scientists, geologists, etc., the ‘mainstream’ view is that of science fiction speculation. Such attitudes could be valid, if it were not for the ever growing research into exotic weaponisation, DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons), KEWs (Kinetic Energy Weapons), etc.
The Pentagon’s allocation of military budgets becomes more bizarre with every passing year. Both the US Senate and the United Nations have discussed the weaponisation of Earth orbit on numerous occasions. Such discussions have rarely been confined to solely “conventional weapons”. The US military has long sought such measures.
The 1995/1996 US Air Force research document: Air Force 2025 discusses The Global Area Strike System (GLASS) which consists of a high energy laser (HEL) system, a kinetic energy weapon (KEW) system, and a trans-atmospheric vehicle (TAV). The HEL system consists of ground-based lasers and space-based mirrors which direct energy to the intended target. The KEW system consists of terminally guided projectiles with and without explosive enhancers. The TAV is a flexible platform capable of supporting maintenance and replenishment of the HEL and KEW space assets, and could also be used for rapid deployment of special operations forces. Target definition and sequencing is managed externally using GIMS. The document also discusses space elevators, weather modification (HAARP and Chemtrails), various DEWs, Hypersonic Attack Platforms and much more. Here is the link:
Some websites have also mused about KEWs, in relation to the X-37B. “A kinetic bombardment is the act of attacking a planetary surface with an inert projectile, where the destructive force comes from the kinetic energy of the projectile impacting at very high velocities.” (Wikipedia) “Rods From God” & Project Thor (Jerry Pournelle originated the idea for a weapons system that launches kinetic projectiles from Earth orbit to damage targets on the ground, while working in operations research at Boeing in the 1950s) are discussed at length. Sadly, many of these possibilities are dismissed into the realms of Science Fiction…
As a postscript, it is worth noting that the TR-3B (USAF Flying Triangle) had a similar route through the hands of the agencies that have steered the X-37B program. The TR-3B has been quantifiably connected to gravity warping systems, Phantom Stealth technology, noise cancellation technology and a host of Top Secret hardware. The craft has been down played as non-existent or extra-terrestrial in origin, however there are a huge number of engineers and scientists who beg to differ. How is it that we can accept this a little more readily than the possibility of an unmanned shuttle creating Earthquakes? I suspect it may be in the same way that people can believe in ghosts (as an example), but not a cover-up surrounding the events of 9/11 (No offense to believers in ghosts!)...
Maybe this connection between the X37-B and EQs is too intangible.
Maybe it lacks the publically fired imagination of other matters.
Maybe there just isn’t enough proof.
Maybe it’s all just a coincidence.
It’s up to you to decide.
Maybe it lacks the publically fired imagination of other matters.
Maybe there just isn’t enough proof.
Maybe it’s all just a coincidence.
It’s up to you to decide.
Till Next Time!
The Truth Seeker’s Guide
The Truth Seeker’s Guide
Earthquake Weapons,
Falcon Program,
Flying Triangles,
Project Thor,
Rods From God,
Space Shuttle,
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Walking In A Winter Chemtrail-land!
This is what greeted me this morning (Saturday 10th December, 2011 - 7.20am onward). The first real winter morning in the UK this time of year. I'd just finished a night shift and got busily snapping away on my mobile. The resolution is pretty crap, but the colours and scale are representative of what I witnessed. In every direction, north to south, east to west... for nearly an hour! A huge grid of trails that coloured the sky like oil in water. Some were straight and ran parallel to each other, others snaked all over the shop!
Strangely, I didn't witness any being formed. To my best recollection, they were all there when I left work and pretty much remained as is (apart from a very minor amount of separation and drifting) for roughly the next hour. As per norm, the whole thing gradually coalesced into a milky-grey mess.
Chemtrails or Contrails? You decide...
Strangely, I didn't witness any being formed. To my best recollection, they were all there when I left work and pretty much remained as is (apart from a very minor amount of separation and drifting) for roughly the next hour. As per norm, the whole thing gradually coalesced into a milky-grey mess.
Chemtrails or Contrails? You decide...
On the subject of Chemtrails, I hope you will try to attend Andrew Johnson's talk on the subject (I was hoping to attend and cover the talk here, but work has got in the way!) on Tuesday 13th December 2011 @ Truth Juice - Birmingham, UK.
For more details visit:
Or visit Andrew's website -
Till Next Time!
The Truth Seeker's Guide
Andrew Johnson,
Check The Evidence,
Monday, 5 December 2011
Time Enough At Last...
Modern life is rubbish! Don’t take this comment literally… it is the substance and context, I refer to. Modern living is full of distraction and clutter, superficiality and unimportance. This is, of course, all by design. When recognising the ‘all pervasive’ role of the mainstream media weaponry, the established ‘norms’ of society, the promotion of a consumption culture, the educational “programming” we receive in youth (reinforced by family, unknowingly, because they went through the same processes) and the subtle manipulation of our fears and foibles, it’s understandable that everybody walks around looking like they haven’t had any sleep for 30 years…
By utter chance, I recently had the opportunity to take off to a very remote part of northwest Scotland. A long lost friend invited several musician mates and me, to stay at his several hundred year old farmhouse, which he had partially converted into a huge recording studio. For those who don’t follow my blog… Music is my predominant livelihood and I am extremely lucky to have a (mostly) non-conformist lifestyle regarding work.
I get asked why I don’t cover it much here. The truth is, I try not to mix the two worlds much… I don’t want to be seen to be shamelessly promoting any of my work here, because I don’t want to compromise the intent and message of The ‘Guide. For those who’ve asked, I am a jobbing musician, singer and lyricist, and I earn my crust as required by other bands, musicians, projects, etc. I also sing (mostly only big events now) with Who’s Renown (the longest running UK tribute band to The Who) and my other pet project: Crank Sinatra (not a tribute per se, more a mashing of styles with his music and the most fun I have earning a wage!).
Anyway, back to Scotland…
I was asked to go and do some session work, with the bonus being that I had access to the means to start working on a project directly relating to The Truth Seeker’s Guide. I have long laboured on self-penned audio material that I could use for multi-media projects, without being subject to copyright! Unfortunately, I’ve had very little time free to get started on it. This jaunt was the perfect opportunity.
My studio-owning friend is something of a fellow traveller and in his infinite wisdom(!) has decided to limit his contact with the outside world. He bizarrely has no outgoing phone line other than a payphone! I don’t think it’s a coincidence that his residence is also located (seemingly) outside of the existence of mobile phone networks. If you need an emergency service, that’s about the total sum of contact you’ll have with modern life. He also has no TV… which is fine with me!
This situation certainly puts you in a position to take stock. The landscape (my paranoid friend wishes that I not be specific where!) is breath-taking and the air seems (although probably not much) cleaner. There is no noise or light pollution to speak of, meaning that views of the sky are incredible (and weird when you start noticing oddities!).
There is something to be said for stripping away some of the tools of our modern enslavement. My fellow musicians and I joked about Henry Bemis, the character played by Burgess Meredith in the classic Twilight Zone episode: “Time Enough At Last”. For those who don’t remember (and shame on you!), he was the chap who loved peace and quiet in order to read books. Surviving a nuclear explosion gave him the chance to read all he wanted, that is, until his glasses broke and he couldn’t see a thing.
It was my lack of access to the internet that made me wonder about the perils and the promises of modern technology. It is in the application where the fault lies. One person will use a tool to create, another to destroy. This is, never the less, one of the oldest clichés in the book, but it is painfully true however. We are at the mercy of technology when we become too reliant on it. What did I miss about it? What was the fuss all about? I had shamefully forgotten that making music doesn’t require apps and downloads! You can make sounds with anything and recording music only needs paper, something to write with… and the ability to write music, of course!
None of these things should be a revelation though really. I remember in my childhood, when the only way to get to get in touch (whilst out) was with a phone box. Yet somehow, everybody managed. We only had a couple of TV channels in the UK, yet we were still programmed regardless. Computer meant ZX Spectrum or Commodore 64: no Ipads, DS, Blackberries, etc. You know it has all gone wrong when you hear stories about a teenage girl reportedly attempting to sell her virginity for an Ipad4, or the account of the 17-year-old Chinese boy who decided to sell his kidney for 20,000 Yuan to buy an iPad2…
When you take it all away (like Bemis’ eyeglasses), what are we really left with? The other, deeper contemplation of my experience relates to my struggle with the concept of observational / perceived reality, the illusional construct, the Matrix or whatever you label it. I am painfully aware of the true nature of reality: perception is everything. Distraction in ALL forms is the existential wool pulled over our eyes. Being so much more detached from the attacks and bombardment of the encroaching New World Order, has presented me with something of an epiphany and a chance to exist as part of the larger tapestry, rather than react to it. This might sound trite to many, but it is nothing short of profound to me…
Being away from modern life for a while was one of the best things that happened to me in a long time. How much I am prepared to sacrifice has given me food for thought. Am I willing to remove myself totally from the illusion? I’m not sure. It is always paramount to me that the word (even on a basic level) be spread to those who totally believe what they are fed daily…. to attempt to awaken the uninitiated. It is difficult to reach people, if not within the confines of “modern living” or the perceived reality. The internet remains, in my view, the only realistic way to propagate truth on a large scale. Until that changes, it’s role remains very important to me.
Maybe I’m not there after all. That said though, the realisation has not escaped me. Upon returning, I have been telling all and sundry about the last few weeks and one individual took me to task, explaining that most people don’t have the opportunity, time and money to put them in a position to have a revelation and that I am one of the privileged few. Politely, that is an excuse and bluntly, it is horse manure! Realisation is a state of mind (or existence), regardless of location and conditions. Getting away helps, but it is not wholly inclusive of a result. When we stop being led, manipulated, programmed and lied to, we will all be a damn sight better off.
When all is said and done, what are our choices? Do we take the blue pill, and let the illusion of reality draw us back to a holodeck-like, slumber of manipulation? Or do we take the red pill and allow ourselves to venture beyond the façade?
Thank you for letting me share my experience with you and thanks to those who have visited in my absence. Your presence has reminded me why I do this and that I'm not alone on the journey.
Till next time…
Namaste & Peace Out!
The ‘Guide
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One -
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two -
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics -
By utter chance, I recently had the opportunity to take off to a very remote part of northwest Scotland. A long lost friend invited several musician mates and me, to stay at his several hundred year old farmhouse, which he had partially converted into a huge recording studio. For those who don’t follow my blog… Music is my predominant livelihood and I am extremely lucky to have a (mostly) non-conformist lifestyle regarding work.
I get asked why I don’t cover it much here. The truth is, I try not to mix the two worlds much… I don’t want to be seen to be shamelessly promoting any of my work here, because I don’t want to compromise the intent and message of The ‘Guide. For those who’ve asked, I am a jobbing musician, singer and lyricist, and I earn my crust as required by other bands, musicians, projects, etc. I also sing (mostly only big events now) with Who’s Renown (the longest running UK tribute band to The Who) and my other pet project: Crank Sinatra (not a tribute per se, more a mashing of styles with his music and the most fun I have earning a wage!).
Anyway, back to Scotland…
I was asked to go and do some session work, with the bonus being that I had access to the means to start working on a project directly relating to The Truth Seeker’s Guide. I have long laboured on self-penned audio material that I could use for multi-media projects, without being subject to copyright! Unfortunately, I’ve had very little time free to get started on it. This jaunt was the perfect opportunity.
My studio-owning friend is something of a fellow traveller and in his infinite wisdom(!) has decided to limit his contact with the outside world. He bizarrely has no outgoing phone line other than a payphone! I don’t think it’s a coincidence that his residence is also located (seemingly) outside of the existence of mobile phone networks. If you need an emergency service, that’s about the total sum of contact you’ll have with modern life. He also has no TV… which is fine with me!
This situation certainly puts you in a position to take stock. The landscape (my paranoid friend wishes that I not be specific where!) is breath-taking and the air seems (although probably not much) cleaner. There is no noise or light pollution to speak of, meaning that views of the sky are incredible (and weird when you start noticing oddities!).
There is something to be said for stripping away some of the tools of our modern enslavement. My fellow musicians and I joked about Henry Bemis, the character played by Burgess Meredith in the classic Twilight Zone episode: “Time Enough At Last”. For those who don’t remember (and shame on you!), he was the chap who loved peace and quiet in order to read books. Surviving a nuclear explosion gave him the chance to read all he wanted, that is, until his glasses broke and he couldn’t see a thing.
It was my lack of access to the internet that made me wonder about the perils and the promises of modern technology. It is in the application where the fault lies. One person will use a tool to create, another to destroy. This is, never the less, one of the oldest clichés in the book, but it is painfully true however. We are at the mercy of technology when we become too reliant on it. What did I miss about it? What was the fuss all about? I had shamefully forgotten that making music doesn’t require apps and downloads! You can make sounds with anything and recording music only needs paper, something to write with… and the ability to write music, of course!
None of these things should be a revelation though really. I remember in my childhood, when the only way to get to get in touch (whilst out) was with a phone box. Yet somehow, everybody managed. We only had a couple of TV channels in the UK, yet we were still programmed regardless. Computer meant ZX Spectrum or Commodore 64: no Ipads, DS, Blackberries, etc. You know it has all gone wrong when you hear stories about a teenage girl reportedly attempting to sell her virginity for an Ipad4, or the account of the 17-year-old Chinese boy who decided to sell his kidney for 20,000 Yuan to buy an iPad2…
When you take it all away (like Bemis’ eyeglasses), what are we really left with? The other, deeper contemplation of my experience relates to my struggle with the concept of observational / perceived reality, the illusional construct, the Matrix or whatever you label it. I am painfully aware of the true nature of reality: perception is everything. Distraction in ALL forms is the existential wool pulled over our eyes. Being so much more detached from the attacks and bombardment of the encroaching New World Order, has presented me with something of an epiphany and a chance to exist as part of the larger tapestry, rather than react to it. This might sound trite to many, but it is nothing short of profound to me…
Being away from modern life for a while was one of the best things that happened to me in a long time. How much I am prepared to sacrifice has given me food for thought. Am I willing to remove myself totally from the illusion? I’m not sure. It is always paramount to me that the word (even on a basic level) be spread to those who totally believe what they are fed daily…. to attempt to awaken the uninitiated. It is difficult to reach people, if not within the confines of “modern living” or the perceived reality. The internet remains, in my view, the only realistic way to propagate truth on a large scale. Until that changes, it’s role remains very important to me.
Maybe I’m not there after all. That said though, the realisation has not escaped me. Upon returning, I have been telling all and sundry about the last few weeks and one individual took me to task, explaining that most people don’t have the opportunity, time and money to put them in a position to have a revelation and that I am one of the privileged few. Politely, that is an excuse and bluntly, it is horse manure! Realisation is a state of mind (or existence), regardless of location and conditions. Getting away helps, but it is not wholly inclusive of a result. When we stop being led, manipulated, programmed and lied to, we will all be a damn sight better off.
When all is said and done, what are our choices? Do we take the blue pill, and let the illusion of reality draw us back to a holodeck-like, slumber of manipulation? Or do we take the red pill and allow ourselves to venture beyond the façade?
Thank you for letting me share my experience with you and thanks to those who have visited in my absence. Your presence has reminded me why I do this and that I'm not alone on the journey.
Till next time…
Namaste & Peace Out!
The ‘Guide
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One -
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two -
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics -
Blue Pill,
Burgess Meredith,
Henry Bernis,
Modern Life Is Rubbish,
Red Pill,
The Matrix,
The Twilight Zone,
Time Enough At Last,
Tribute To The Who,
Won't Get Fooled Again
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