Hello good people of blogger land! I realise it has been a while since I last posted any new items here. I have been really busy of late, most notably piecing my new book together. The end is very much in sight now and I hope to get it published in the next month or so. I will be posting article versions of much of the material (from the book) here on my blog and I will be making a free pdf version of it available for download shortly. So watch this space!
I’ve also had some readers interested in my thoughts on the infamous film director Stanley Kubrick. Although I posted something very generic a couple of years ago, it is ironic that he is the subject of a chapter or two of my new book. I will, therefore, endeavour to make this material available here as soon as possible.
For the time being, I wish you all happy holidays and peace and positivity for the coming year.
Take care my friends and all the best!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Andrew Johnson: 9/11 - Finding The Truth @ BUFOG
For those of you in the UK...
Date: Thursday 21st November 2013
Time: 7.30-11.30pm
Venue: Hot Shots Snooker Club function room, 100 Crosswells Road, Oldbury, Birmingham, B688HH
Price: £5 members, £5.50 non-members
Many people around the world are now realising that the official story of 9/11 is almost completely false. In this presentation, we will look at the evidence as to why the story is false, but we will also look at how some elements of the “9/11 Truth Movement” seem to be trying to cover up a secret which has the potential to transform the future of mankind. How was the WTC really destroyed and why was Hurricane Erin closest to NYC at about 8am on 9/11? A look at the evidence tells us what happened and, to an extent, how the WTC was destroyed. Through the evidence uncovered by Dr Judy Wood, we will discover the connection between energy and 9/11.
Andrew Johnson grew up in Yorkshire, England and graduated from Lancaster University in 1986 with a degree in Computer Science and Physics. He has mainly worked in Software Engineering and Software Development, for most of the last 20 years. He has also worked full and part time in lecturing and tutoring (in Adult Education). Now he works for the Open University (part time) tutoring and assessing students, whilst occasionally working freelance on various small software development projects.
He became interested in “alternative knowledge” in 2003, soon after discovering Dr Steven Greer's Disclosure Project. He has given presentations and written and posted a number of articles on various websites about 9/11, Mars, Chemtrails and Anti-gravity research, whilst also challenging some of the authorities to address some of the most compelling data that is available. He has written a book about the research of Dr Judy Wood called “911 Finding The Truth”. An electronic version of this book is available free from his website at www.checktheevidence.com.
Please note that the views expressed in this talk are not necessarily the views held by BUFOG or all of its members. However we do as a group support the assessment of available evidence, so we are happy to welcome Andrew back to speak on this fascinating and controversial subject.
Note: Birmingham UFO Group is a non-profit making organization. All entrance fees go towards paying for the venue and the events that we hold.
Please feel free to forward this advert to relevant forums, websites or publications.
9/11 - Finding The Truth,
Andrew Johnson,
Dave Hodrien,
Dr Judy Wood,
Where Did The Towers Go?
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
75 Years On: The War of the Worlds Psyop - Part 3
Rockefeller Skank
It seems clear that “The War of the Worlds” broadcast was the tool of choice for The Rockefeller Foundation, for specific reasons. It is also well documented that the Rockefeller family has always taken a specific interest in the phenomenon of mass perception management. However, it didn’t begin with The Mercury Theatre broadcast of October 1938.
In 1914, in Ludlow, Colorado, a group of coalminers began striking over pay and working conditions. Matters took a darker turn when a labour organiser was shot dead by men working for the Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation – owned by the Rockefeller family. With the cause of the Union of United Mine Workers drawing public attention, the billionaire robber baron John D. Rockefeller dispatched the National Guard to the tent colony - which housed the miners and their families. The National Guard soldiers shot and killed scores of inhabitants living in the colony - including women and children. The details of these events and the implications for P.R. are documented in Scott Noble’s documentary film “Psywar” - http://metanoia-films.org/psywar/
A YouTube version is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXg70qJQ6O0
The notorious P.R. baron, Ivy Lee, immediately went to work for the Rockefellers (as a kind of “crisis management” consultant) to manage public perception of the massacre. It was then that the phenomenon of the “press release” was invented. Lee was charged with creating a faux “friendly face” for all Rockefeller owned assets.http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=1570
Lee championed disinformation campaigns via news bulletins and set about rebuilding a “mainstream perception” of the Ludlow incident, by convincing the public that the deaths were accidental, as well as discrediting the labour union movement. His attempts were (initially) largely unsuccessful, mostly because he was a highly visible figure with obvious connections to the Rockefeller family. The lesson learned from all this was that P.R. tactics could be very effective, provided they were practiced from the shadows.
The Rockefeller Foundation decided to set aside $100 million for P.R. Lee convinced them to donate sizeable sums of money to colleges, hospitals, churches and charitable organisations to create positive publicity. He encouraged the Rockefellers to personally hand out money in public for the purpose of staged photo opportunities. This orchestrated and strategic act effectively birthed the P.R. industry as we know it today. Into this field stepped the likes of Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann, who suggested that propaganda would be most effective if the “public mind” were “readjusted”, rather than the system. Thus, perception management was born.
The implications were staggering. Agencies of global governance were put to work, exploring every corner of human psychology. No area was off limits, even (eventually) bolstering the burgeoning phenomenon of state-sponsored mind control research (of which both Bernays and Lippmann had varied connections to) and programming. This was far more than just protecting the public face of elite business families and their assets – it was the beginning of full-spectrum psychological manipulation and control of the masses.
Whilst connecting the dots between the Rockefeller influence over the pioneering days of the mainstream media and the science of perception management, I have noticed some even more curious aspects. Steven Rockefeller was close friends with Dr Hadley Cantril. Both travelled extensively with Walt Disney, who spent plenty of time in their company. The implications here are important given the connections between the Disney Empire and the military industrial complex, Disney’s alleged role in the state-sponsored mind control phenomenon, and the historical part they have played in perception management.
According to Christopher Knowles, author of the Secret Sun blog, Rockefeller money was also crucial in establishing and maintaining The Esalen Institute. “Esalen is a Rockefeller project. Rockefeller money helped build it, sustain it and grow it. It helped rebuild it after various crises. The Rockefeller in question is the late Laurance Rockefeller, whose very, very deep pockets helped build a New Age Empire in California, including Esalen, the San Francisco Zen Centre, the Lindisfarne Association, the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and the California Institute of Integral Studies.”http://secretsun.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/secret-star-trek-part-2-unknown-nine.html
Esalen connects various new age paradigms to NASA, CIA mind control and psychic spying programs, and (again) the military industrial complex. ‘IONS’ connects in a very similar way, but has an additional association to the energy cover-up. The general conceit is that Laurence Rockefeller appeared (at least on the surface) to be far more esoteric in his interests than those of his other fellow family members. However, surely even he would have been aware of the obvious connections between these outfits and the larger global agenda… He was a Rockefeller after all!
Laurence Rockefeller invested much money in the field of ET/UFO research. He was a principle sponsor of John Edward Mack “an American psychiatrist, writer, and professor at Harvard Medical School. He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, and a leading authority on the spiritual or transformational effects of alleged alien abduction experiences.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_E._Mack
In the early 1990s, Mack commenced his decade-plus study of 200 men and women who reported recurrent alien encounter experiences. In May 1994, Harvard Medical School appointed a committee of peers to investigate Mack’s work – unheard of in the history of Harvard. Despite the dogged attempts to delegitimise his work and attempts to close the study down, Mack was (strangely) granted “academic freedom to study what he wishes and to state his opinions without impediment".
The Centre for Psychology and Social Change (co-founded by Mack and Robert Jay Lifton) received $250,000 a year (allegedly over a four year period) from Laurance Rockefeller. Rockefeller also gave $194,000 to PEER (Program for Extraordinary Experience Research), along with various other donations.http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_cointelpro01i.htm
For further claims about the work of John Mack, see: Gregory M. Kanon, “The Great UFO Hoax” (Lakeville, Minnesota: Galde Press, 1997)
Mack claimed to have received funding from an ex-CIA source and was reportedly heavily involved in the Russian/American exchange at the Esalen Institute. Mack was also a member of Scott Jones’ Human Potential Foundation, also reported to be Rockefeller-endowed. Mack died on September 27th, 2004, under rather curious circumstances.
It has also been suggested that there was a Rockefeller connection to the “The X Files” – the phenomenally successful “UFO/global conspiracy” television series from the 1990s. Although many people will argue till eternity, I do believe that the series ultimately served some form of quasi-limited hangout / plausible deniability platform.
The question of whether it served a global agenda purpose (perhaps in cahoots with certain elite figures – such as The Rockefellers) is a curious one. We do know that John Mack was a consultant to "The X Files" creator, Chris Carter, in the early years of the show. “I found it fascinating to hear this,” Carter said. “This man [Dr. John Mack of Harvard] in the highest levels of academia and a scientist using rigorous scientific methods had come up with something quite astounding. So I thought that was a wonderful entry into explorations of the paranormal. And so I came up with Mulder and Scully, the FBI, and this fictional investigative unit called the X-Files."
Paula Vitaris, “X-Files: Filming the Fox Show That Has Become a Horror and Science Fiction Sensation”. See: http://www.madmags.de/en/archiv/details/paula-vitaris/Paula/vitaris
There are a number of name-checks and references to the Rockefeller Foundation in the show. The season two episode “Little Green Men”, has a scene where Mulder recounts the story of astronomer George Ellery Hale who was visited by a small “elf” creature who told him to go and get money from The Rockefeller Foundation to build a large telescope.
William Sheehan & Donald E. Osterbrock, “Hale's ‘Little Elf’: The Mental Breakdowns of George Ellery Hale”, Journal for the History of Astronomy, p.93
However, I will leave you to your own conclusions as to how much deeper these connections may go.
Finally, it is worth remembering that Laurence Rockefeller took an interest in Dr. Steven Greer’s ET and UFO “Disclosure Project” – into which he invested financial support. Greer also has a loose affiliation with Esalen and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.http://www.disclosureproject.org/PressReleaseNov132007.htm http://www.disclosureproject.org/transcripts/JeanNoelBassior-Nov2005.htm
The Legacy
It could be argued that early perception management projects, like “The War of the Worlds” psyop, helped to shape contemporary psychological study and influence every existing think-tank of academia. Via these channels, those research projects have ultimately affected the policy making processes of many governments. Such projects have also undoubtedly influenced the press and mainstream media.
It is claimed that the inspiration for “The War of the Worlds” broadcast came from a BBC piece called “Broadcasting the Barricades” transmitted on 16 January 1926, in the early days of radio. The broadcast involved the BBC interrupting an academic lecture from Oxford to announce that rioters had gathered in Trafalgar Square. Rioters went on to tear down the likes of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. This broadcast itself is believed by some people to have been an early example of a media conveyed, experiment in mass public perceptions and reactions - assisted by some of the early Tavistock pioneers.
The success of such a broadcast often lies in the format itself which adds to the realism and psychological reinforcement of the notions being proposed. Orson Welles’ 1938 broadcast had the advantage of being a ‘sustaining show’ (it ran without commercial breaks), adding to the program's “realism”.
The news coverage of 9/11 showed just how effective the studied practice of perception management can be in reinforcing specific notions on a global scale - particularly the relentless “accounting” of the staged events. The technique afforded the viewers no opportunity to remove themselves from the “manufactured reality” being continually asserted. When studied enough, the news footage from the day reveals many similarities with some of the techniques used way back in 1938.
It also seems strange that whenever a new shift in the agenda of global governance has occurred over the last hundred or so years, “The War of the Worlds” re-emergences in the wake of these shifts.
This happened during the early years of the Cold War - in 1953 with Byron Haskin’s big screen version of the story - and after 9/11, with Steven Spielberg’s “re-imagining”. Both appear to dovetail into the perception-managed “fear culture” programming of each respective era. It is a pity that Spielberg ended up directing the latter version in the manner he did; given that he (seemingly) was once a leading figure in American Zoetrope’s so-called “Hollywood Rebellion” of the 1970s, directing such ground-breaking films as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "ET: The Extra Terrestrial".
Perhaps the themes raised in Wells’ story have a much broader significance after all. Whenever I read or hear how the invaders of his piece “slowly and surely, drew their plans against us”, I can’t help but think how the true architects of global dominance have always been much closer, and far more Earthbound, than any Martian creature could ever be!
In my mind, those lines from Wells’ novel will always serve as a much darker metaphor for the true legacy of a seemingly innocent radio broadcast from seventy five years ago.
Until Next Time!
The Truth Seeker's Guide.
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-one/paperback/product-23209429.html
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html

It seems clear that “The War of the Worlds” broadcast was the tool of choice for The Rockefeller Foundation, for specific reasons. It is also well documented that the Rockefeller family has always taken a specific interest in the phenomenon of mass perception management. However, it didn’t begin with The Mercury Theatre broadcast of October 1938.
In 1914, in Ludlow, Colorado, a group of coalminers began striking over pay and working conditions. Matters took a darker turn when a labour organiser was shot dead by men working for the Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation – owned by the Rockefeller family. With the cause of the Union of United Mine Workers drawing public attention, the billionaire robber baron John D. Rockefeller dispatched the National Guard to the tent colony - which housed the miners and their families. The National Guard soldiers shot and killed scores of inhabitants living in the colony - including women and children. The details of these events and the implications for P.R. are documented in Scott Noble’s documentary film “Psywar” - http://metanoia-films.org/psywar/
A YouTube version is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXg70qJQ6O0
The notorious P.R. baron, Ivy Lee, immediately went to work for the Rockefellers (as a kind of “crisis management” consultant) to manage public perception of the massacre. It was then that the phenomenon of the “press release” was invented. Lee was charged with creating a faux “friendly face” for all Rockefeller owned assets.http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=1570
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John D Rockefeller handing out dimes |
The Rockefeller Foundation decided to set aside $100 million for P.R. Lee convinced them to donate sizeable sums of money to colleges, hospitals, churches and charitable organisations to create positive publicity. He encouraged the Rockefellers to personally hand out money in public for the purpose of staged photo opportunities. This orchestrated and strategic act effectively birthed the P.R. industry as we know it today. Into this field stepped the likes of Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann, who suggested that propaganda would be most effective if the “public mind” were “readjusted”, rather than the system. Thus, perception management was born.
The implications were staggering. Agencies of global governance were put to work, exploring every corner of human psychology. No area was off limits, even (eventually) bolstering the burgeoning phenomenon of state-sponsored mind control research (of which both Bernays and Lippmann had varied connections to) and programming. This was far more than just protecting the public face of elite business families and their assets – it was the beginning of full-spectrum psychological manipulation and control of the masses.
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Walt Disney and Werner Von Braun |
Whilst connecting the dots between the Rockefeller influence over the pioneering days of the mainstream media and the science of perception management, I have noticed some even more curious aspects. Steven Rockefeller was close friends with Dr Hadley Cantril. Both travelled extensively with Walt Disney, who spent plenty of time in their company. The implications here are important given the connections between the Disney Empire and the military industrial complex, Disney’s alleged role in the state-sponsored mind control phenomenon, and the historical part they have played in perception management.
According to Christopher Knowles, author of the Secret Sun blog, Rockefeller money was also crucial in establishing and maintaining The Esalen Institute. “Esalen is a Rockefeller project. Rockefeller money helped build it, sustain it and grow it. It helped rebuild it after various crises. The Rockefeller in question is the late Laurance Rockefeller, whose very, very deep pockets helped build a New Age Empire in California, including Esalen, the San Francisco Zen Centre, the Lindisfarne Association, the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and the California Institute of Integral Studies.”http://secretsun.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/secret-star-trek-part-2-unknown-nine.html
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Esalen is also home to colonies of Monarch Butterflies! |
Laurence Rockefeller invested much money in the field of ET/UFO research. He was a principle sponsor of John Edward Mack “an American psychiatrist, writer, and professor at Harvard Medical School. He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, and a leading authority on the spiritual or transformational effects of alleged alien abduction experiences.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_E._Mack
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John Edward Mack |
The Centre for Psychology and Social Change (co-founded by Mack and Robert Jay Lifton) received $250,000 a year (allegedly over a four year period) from Laurance Rockefeller. Rockefeller also gave $194,000 to PEER (Program for Extraordinary Experience Research), along with various other donations.http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_cointelpro01i.htm
For further claims about the work of John Mack, see: Gregory M. Kanon, “The Great UFO Hoax” (Lakeville, Minnesota: Galde Press, 1997)
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The X Files |
It has also been suggested that there was a Rockefeller connection to the “The X Files” – the phenomenally successful “UFO/global conspiracy” television series from the 1990s. Although many people will argue till eternity, I do believe that the series ultimately served some form of quasi-limited hangout / plausible deniability platform.
The question of whether it served a global agenda purpose (perhaps in cahoots with certain elite figures – such as The Rockefellers) is a curious one. We do know that John Mack was a consultant to "The X Files" creator, Chris Carter, in the early years of the show. “I found it fascinating to hear this,” Carter said. “This man [Dr. John Mack of Harvard] in the highest levels of academia and a scientist using rigorous scientific methods had come up with something quite astounding. So I thought that was a wonderful entry into explorations of the paranormal. And so I came up with Mulder and Scully, the FBI, and this fictional investigative unit called the X-Files."
Paula Vitaris, “X-Files: Filming the Fox Show That Has Become a Horror and Science Fiction Sensation”. See: http://www.madmags.de/en/archiv/details/paula-vitaris/Paula/vitaris
There are a number of name-checks and references to the Rockefeller Foundation in the show. The season two episode “Little Green Men”, has a scene where Mulder recounts the story of astronomer George Ellery Hale who was visited by a small “elf” creature who told him to go and get money from The Rockefeller Foundation to build a large telescope.
William Sheehan & Donald E. Osterbrock, “Hale's ‘Little Elf’: The Mental Breakdowns of George Ellery Hale”, Journal for the History of Astronomy, p.93
However, I will leave you to your own conclusions as to how much deeper these connections may go.
Finally, it is worth remembering that Laurence Rockefeller took an interest in Dr. Steven Greer’s ET and UFO “Disclosure Project” – into which he invested financial support. Greer also has a loose affiliation with Esalen and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.http://www.disclosureproject.org/PressReleaseNov132007.htm http://www.disclosureproject.org/transcripts/JeanNoelBassior-Nov2005.htm
The Legacy
It could be argued that early perception management projects, like “The War of the Worlds” psyop, helped to shape contemporary psychological study and influence every existing think-tank of academia. Via these channels, those research projects have ultimately affected the policy making processes of many governments. Such projects have also undoubtedly influenced the press and mainstream media.
It is claimed that the inspiration for “The War of the Worlds” broadcast came from a BBC piece called “Broadcasting the Barricades” transmitted on 16 January 1926, in the early days of radio. The broadcast involved the BBC interrupting an academic lecture from Oxford to announce that rioters had gathered in Trafalgar Square. Rioters went on to tear down the likes of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. This broadcast itself is believed by some people to have been an early example of a media conveyed, experiment in mass public perceptions and reactions - assisted by some of the early Tavistock pioneers.
The success of such a broadcast often lies in the format itself which adds to the realism and psychological reinforcement of the notions being proposed. Orson Welles’ 1938 broadcast had the advantage of being a ‘sustaining show’ (it ran without commercial breaks), adding to the program's “realism”.
The news coverage of 9/11 showed just how effective the studied practice of perception management can be in reinforcing specific notions on a global scale - particularly the relentless “accounting” of the staged events. The technique afforded the viewers no opportunity to remove themselves from the “manufactured reality” being continually asserted. When studied enough, the news footage from the day reveals many similarities with some of the techniques used way back in 1938.

This happened during the early years of the Cold War - in 1953 with Byron Haskin’s big screen version of the story - and after 9/11, with Steven Spielberg’s “re-imagining”. Both appear to dovetail into the perception-managed “fear culture” programming of each respective era. It is a pity that Spielberg ended up directing the latter version in the manner he did; given that he (seemingly) was once a leading figure in American Zoetrope’s so-called “Hollywood Rebellion” of the 1970s, directing such ground-breaking films as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "ET: The Extra Terrestrial".
Perhaps the themes raised in Wells’ story have a much broader significance after all. Whenever I read or hear how the invaders of his piece “slowly and surely, drew their plans against us”, I can’t help but think how the true architects of global dominance have always been much closer, and far more Earthbound, than any Martian creature could ever be!
In my mind, those lines from Wells’ novel will always serve as a much darker metaphor for the true legacy of a seemingly innocent radio broadcast from seventy five years ago.
Until Next Time!
The Truth Seeker's Guide.
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-one/paperback/product-23209429.html
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html

Broadcasting the Barricades,
George Ellery Hale,
Ivy Lee,
John Mack,
Laurance Rockefeller,
Ludlow Massacre,
Orson Welles,
Steven Spielberg,
The X Files,
Walt Disney,
War Of The Worlds
Thursday, 17 October 2013
75 Years On: The War of the Worlds Psyop - Part 2
No One Would Have Believed…
On October 30th 1938, Orson Welles and a band of radio actors and players took to the airwaves of the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network (CBS) to broadcast a Halloween episode of the radio drama anthology series “The Mercury Theatre on the Air”. The episode was an adaption of H. G. Wells’ “The War of the Worlds”.
The broadcast is now legendary as having had something of a psychological effect upon certain members of the public. According to many sources, a staggering number of people were affected by the show. It has been claimed that many listeners believed that the broadcast was real (to some degree) and began (in various manners) to investigate the veracity of the fantastic claims that Martians really had invaded the Earth.
Over time, it has become clear that there are some contradictions in the numbers of people cited as having reacted in any meaningful manner to the broadcast. Although it is known that an estimated six million Americans listened, stories citing large scale panic and fear seem to have originated from overblown newspaper articles published in the following days and weeks.
“A wave of mass hysteria seized thousands of radio listeners between 8:15 and 9:30 o'clock last night when a broadcast of a dramatization of H. G. Wells' fantasy, "The War of the Worlds," led thousands to believe that an interplanetary conflict had started with invading Martians spreading wide death and destruction in New Jersey and New York. The broadcast, which disrupted households, interrupted religious services, created traffic jams and clogged communications systems, was made by Orson Welles, who as the radio character, "The Shadow," used to give "the creeps" to countless child listeners. This time, at least, a score of adults required medical treatment for shock and hysteria.”
“Radio Listeners in Panic, Taking War Drama as Fact” – New York Times, October 31st, 1938. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:WOTW-NYT-headline.jpg
Many of the personal stories recounted by a number of affected listeners became the subject of psychological papers published (on the subject) in subsequent years. The principle source of study came from a report by a group of social scientists, published in a volume entitled “The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic” by Hadley Cantril, Hazel Gaudet and Herta Herzog. Although the report claims that "at least a million of them (listeners) were frightened or disturbed", the statistical data utilised is curious. "Much of our information was derived from detailed interviews of 135 persons. Over 100 of these persons were selected because they were known to have been upset by the broadcast!" A dozen or so personal accounts are recalled in the report.
As a scientific study, I find it less than reliable when an analysis uses the collected data of 135 witnesses (100 of which were pre-chosen for their panicked reaction) and draws conclusion citing testimony numbering in the thousands or millions. It may well be the case that a larger number of people did experience fear and panic, but did they really react in such an extreme and large-scale manner? More substantive evidence, more than a study of 135 people, would clearly be required to form such a conclusion.
History quietly glosses over the fact that the CBS broadcast was far more than a mere artistic endeavour. At the time, a crisis of looming war was brewing in Europe and it was increasingly questioned what role America would play if the crisis escalated to a global affair. All arms of the media were gradually co-opted as a “war propaganda” machine (something which has historically always been the case in wartime), so the nature of CBS (with its documented historical association to the military industrial complex) should have, at the very least, raised a few eyebrows.
This is also interesting given that part of Hadley Cantril’s study concluded that many listeners did not think that the broadcast portrayed an invasion from Mars, but rather an invasion by the Germans.
The study may have had a much broader significance in relation to other issues – also subject to the machinations of perception management. Curiously, the psychological study produced by Hadley Cantril was cited in The Brookings Institute Report (more accurately known as “Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs”), submitted to the Committee on Science and Astronautics of the United States House of Representatives on April 18th, 1961.
The section "Implications of a discovery of extra-terrestrial life" is now infamous and considered by many as an “admission” of the existence of extra-terrestrial life. The section also proposed possible scenarios for such a discovery and the larger social implications. The report also questions how leadership should handle information and under what circumstances leaders might or might not find it advisable to withhold such information from the public. Whilst the report makes no real mention of the role that the entertainment media may play in such a scenario, page 226 (note 37) makes a peculiar reference to Cantril’s study as a “useful” guide in dealing with the social implications.
Those involved with the Brookings Report (at least at the upper levels) would almost certainly have known of the players involved with the “The War of the Worlds” psyop, so why did they recommend Cantril’s report specifically? I will leave you to decide the implications of why this study alone was cited in the report.
Those ultimately behind the inception of the Halloween broadcast paint an even clearer agenda picture. The Radio Research Project (R.R.P.) was a social research project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation to look into the effects of mass media on society. Whilst it has always been acknowledged officially that R.R.P. studied the broadcast in the following decade, it is now well-known that the radio play was instigated at the behest of R.R.P. and the elite Rockefeller family.
The Rockefeller Foundation began funding the Radio Research Project in 1937 “to find the effects of new forms of mass media on society, especially radio. Several universities joined up and a headquarters was formed at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.”
Those involved include the aforementioned Hadley Cantril (then a psychologist at Princeton University's Department of Psychology), Paul Lazarsfeld (Director of the Radio Project), Theodor Adorno (Chief of the Music Division), Gordon W. Allport (another of Lazarsfeld's assistants) and Frank Stanton (then a researcher from CBS sent to help the project.)
The individuals involved had a staggering degree of direct involvement with the elite and the principles of global governance.
Allport was a pioneering psychologist, instrumental in establishing the ‘values scale’ system – a key component in the burgeoning field of public relations. Crucially, Allport went on to be the Tavistock Institute's leading representative in the United States.
Theodore Adorno was also an associate of the Tavistock Institute. His name crops up a fair bit in alternative research, due to his huge role in the explosion of the youth culture and the pop music scene in the early 1960s. Dr John Coleman has written at length about “The Aquarian Conspiracy" – “a living organism which sprang from ‘The Changing Images of Man’ report prepared by Stanford Research Institute.”
(URH (489)-2150-Policy Research Report No. 4/4/74. Policy Report prepared by SRI Centre for the study of Social Policy, directed by Professor Willis Harmon.)
Coleman asserts (perhaps controversially in some eyes!) that Adorno allegedly worked with the Tavistock Institute to modify a 12-atonal musical notation system consisting of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood. Coleman even asserts that, “Following the Beatles, who incidentally were put together by the Tavistock Institute, came other "Made in England" rock groups, who, like the Beatles, had Theo Adorno write their cult lyrics and compose all the ‘music’.” It is worth taking the time to research this subject, if you haven’t already. However, I will leave you to draw your own conclusions…
Dr. John Coleman, “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300”, pg.58
Frank Stanton, a member of the hugely agenda-driven Council on Foreign Relationships (CFR), was former executive of CBS broadcasting. He became head of the CBS News Division and eventually president of the network. He was also chairman of the board of The RAND Corporation. RAND has a detailed historical association with global governance and the military industrial complex – notably, also, with psychological warfare and mind control research.
Hadley Cantril was an active and influential member of the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1939, he established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR) at Princeton. OPOR conducted analysis of the effectiveness of “psycho-political operations” (psyops/propaganda) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) – the forerunner of the CIA.
His wartime work with The Rockefeller Foundation and (CFR member and CBS reporter) Edward R Murrow helped to establish the Princeton Listening Centre in order to study Nazi radio propaganda and how to apply such techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of the Listening Centre came a new government agency: The Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service” (FBIS), which eventually became the US Information Agency (USIA). USIA was a propaganda arm of the National Security Council.
In the final part of this blog series, I will look at the significance of Rockefeller involvement in the “War of the Worlds” psyop and connect some of the dots with the broader scope of global agendas.
To be concluded…
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-one/paperback/product-23209429.html
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html

On October 30th 1938, Orson Welles and a band of radio actors and players took to the airwaves of the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network (CBS) to broadcast a Halloween episode of the radio drama anthology series “The Mercury Theatre on the Air”. The episode was an adaption of H. G. Wells’ “The War of the Worlds”.
The broadcast is now legendary as having had something of a psychological effect upon certain members of the public. According to many sources, a staggering number of people were affected by the show. It has been claimed that many listeners believed that the broadcast was real (to some degree) and began (in various manners) to investigate the veracity of the fantastic claims that Martians really had invaded the Earth.
Over time, it has become clear that there are some contradictions in the numbers of people cited as having reacted in any meaningful manner to the broadcast. Although it is known that an estimated six million Americans listened, stories citing large scale panic and fear seem to have originated from overblown newspaper articles published in the following days and weeks.
“A wave of mass hysteria seized thousands of radio listeners between 8:15 and 9:30 o'clock last night when a broadcast of a dramatization of H. G. Wells' fantasy, "The War of the Worlds," led thousands to believe that an interplanetary conflict had started with invading Martians spreading wide death and destruction in New Jersey and New York. The broadcast, which disrupted households, interrupted religious services, created traffic jams and clogged communications systems, was made by Orson Welles, who as the radio character, "The Shadow," used to give "the creeps" to countless child listeners. This time, at least, a score of adults required medical treatment for shock and hysteria.”
“Radio Listeners in Panic, Taking War Drama as Fact” – New York Times, October 31st, 1938. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:WOTW-NYT-headline.jpg
Many of the personal stories recounted by a number of affected listeners became the subject of psychological papers published (on the subject) in subsequent years. The principle source of study came from a report by a group of social scientists, published in a volume entitled “The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic” by Hadley Cantril, Hazel Gaudet and Herta Herzog. Although the report claims that "at least a million of them (listeners) were frightened or disturbed", the statistical data utilised is curious. "Much of our information was derived from detailed interviews of 135 persons. Over 100 of these persons were selected because they were known to have been upset by the broadcast!" A dozen or so personal accounts are recalled in the report.
As a scientific study, I find it less than reliable when an analysis uses the collected data of 135 witnesses (100 of which were pre-chosen for their panicked reaction) and draws conclusion citing testimony numbering in the thousands or millions. It may well be the case that a larger number of people did experience fear and panic, but did they really react in such an extreme and large-scale manner? More substantive evidence, more than a study of 135 people, would clearly be required to form such a conclusion.
History quietly glosses over the fact that the CBS broadcast was far more than a mere artistic endeavour. At the time, a crisis of looming war was brewing in Europe and it was increasingly questioned what role America would play if the crisis escalated to a global affair. All arms of the media were gradually co-opted as a “war propaganda” machine (something which has historically always been the case in wartime), so the nature of CBS (with its documented historical association to the military industrial complex) should have, at the very least, raised a few eyebrows.
This is also interesting given that part of Hadley Cantril’s study concluded that many listeners did not think that the broadcast portrayed an invasion from Mars, but rather an invasion by the Germans.
The study may have had a much broader significance in relation to other issues – also subject to the machinations of perception management. Curiously, the psychological study produced by Hadley Cantril was cited in The Brookings Institute Report (more accurately known as “Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs”), submitted to the Committee on Science and Astronautics of the United States House of Representatives on April 18th, 1961.
The section "Implications of a discovery of extra-terrestrial life" is now infamous and considered by many as an “admission” of the existence of extra-terrestrial life. The section also proposed possible scenarios for such a discovery and the larger social implications. The report also questions how leadership should handle information and under what circumstances leaders might or might not find it advisable to withhold such information from the public. Whilst the report makes no real mention of the role that the entertainment media may play in such a scenario, page 226 (note 37) makes a peculiar reference to Cantril’s study as a “useful” guide in dealing with the social implications.
Those involved with the Brookings Report (at least at the upper levels) would almost certainly have known of the players involved with the “The War of the Worlds” psyop, so why did they recommend Cantril’s report specifically? I will leave you to decide the implications of why this study alone was cited in the report.
Those ultimately behind the inception of the Halloween broadcast paint an even clearer agenda picture. The Radio Research Project (R.R.P.) was a social research project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation to look into the effects of mass media on society. Whilst it has always been acknowledged officially that R.R.P. studied the broadcast in the following decade, it is now well-known that the radio play was instigated at the behest of R.R.P. and the elite Rockefeller family.
The Rockefeller Foundation began funding the Radio Research Project in 1937 “to find the effects of new forms of mass media on society, especially radio. Several universities joined up and a headquarters was formed at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.”
Those involved include the aforementioned Hadley Cantril (then a psychologist at Princeton University's Department of Psychology), Paul Lazarsfeld (Director of the Radio Project), Theodor Adorno (Chief of the Music Division), Gordon W. Allport (another of Lazarsfeld's assistants) and Frank Stanton (then a researcher from CBS sent to help the project.)
The individuals involved had a staggering degree of direct involvement with the elite and the principles of global governance.
Allport was a pioneering psychologist, instrumental in establishing the ‘values scale’ system – a key component in the burgeoning field of public relations. Crucially, Allport went on to be the Tavistock Institute's leading representative in the United States.
Theodore Adorno was also an associate of the Tavistock Institute. His name crops up a fair bit in alternative research, due to his huge role in the explosion of the youth culture and the pop music scene in the early 1960s. Dr John Coleman has written at length about “The Aquarian Conspiracy" – “a living organism which sprang from ‘The Changing Images of Man’ report prepared by Stanford Research Institute.”
(URH (489)-2150-Policy Research Report No. 4/4/74. Policy Report prepared by SRI Centre for the study of Social Policy, directed by Professor Willis Harmon.)
Coleman asserts (perhaps controversially in some eyes!) that Adorno allegedly worked with the Tavistock Institute to modify a 12-atonal musical notation system consisting of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood. Coleman even asserts that, “Following the Beatles, who incidentally were put together by the Tavistock Institute, came other "Made in England" rock groups, who, like the Beatles, had Theo Adorno write their cult lyrics and compose all the ‘music’.” It is worth taking the time to research this subject, if you haven’t already. However, I will leave you to draw your own conclusions…
Dr. John Coleman, “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300”, pg.58
Frank Stanton, a member of the hugely agenda-driven Council on Foreign Relationships (CFR), was former executive of CBS broadcasting. He became head of the CBS News Division and eventually president of the network. He was also chairman of the board of The RAND Corporation. RAND has a detailed historical association with global governance and the military industrial complex – notably, also, with psychological warfare and mind control research.
Hadley Cantril was an active and influential member of the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1939, he established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR) at Princeton. OPOR conducted analysis of the effectiveness of “psycho-political operations” (psyops/propaganda) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) – the forerunner of the CIA.
His wartime work with The Rockefeller Foundation and (CFR member and CBS reporter) Edward R Murrow helped to establish the Princeton Listening Centre in order to study Nazi radio propaganda and how to apply such techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of the Listening Centre came a new government agency: The Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service” (FBIS), which eventually became the US Information Agency (USIA). USIA was a propaganda arm of the National Security Council.
In the final part of this blog series, I will look at the significance of Rockefeller involvement in the “War of the Worlds” psyop and connect some of the dots with the broader scope of global agendas.
To be concluded…
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-one/paperback/product-23209429.html
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html

Brookings Report,
Hadley Cantril,
Orson Welles,
Radio Research Project,
Rockefeller Foundation,
The Invasion from Mars,
The Tavistock Institute,
Theodor Adorno,
War Of The Worlds
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
75 Years On: The War of the Worlds Psyop - Part 1
Some of my regular readers may be wondering where I have been of late. The truth is that I’ve been hunkered down, furiously writing my first book. The book encompasses themes that I have regularly visited here at The Truth Seeker’s Guide – namely the occasions where aspects of the science fiction genre have crossed paths with the broader canvas of cover-ups, elite shenanigans and global agendas. Whilst researching this subject, I have uncovered some mind-boggling stories from the last hundred or so years, that evidentially places a sizeable number of science fiction luminaries close to the heart of global governance.
Although I am making good progress with the book and can see the end in sight, I’m not there yet! However, this month has presented me with an opportunity to post some of the material from a chapter of the book (which I have split into several parts), which delves into one of the most bizarre broadcasting events of the twentieth century. October 30th 2013 marks the 75th anniversary of the airing of Orson Welles’ “The War of the Worlds” radio play.
This blog series looks at the broadcast itself and some of those individuals connected behind the scenes (individuals associated with larger global agendas), as well as some of the implications and broader legacy of the broadcast.
Part One - The War and the Wells
It is generally considered that the mainstream media “psyop” phenomenon (a psychological operation – designed to steer and manage the perceptions of the masses) is predominantly perpetuated by news and current affairs programming. However, one of the earliest examples from the mainstream media does not pertain to an earthly tale of foreign powers or political intrigue; rather it is, perhaps unbelievably, a story about a Martian invasion of Earth that sets the stage! I refer here to the infamous broadcast of “The War of the Worlds” on October 30th 1938.
I will examine some of the finer details of this broadcast in part two of this blog series. Here, I will look at the man behind the origin of this particular story. In 1898, H. G. Wells published “The War of the Worlds”. The novel was one of the earliest science fiction stories to detail a conflict between mankind and an extra-terrestrial race. The novel is one of the most commented-on works in science fiction. To this day, it has never gone out of print. There have been numerous adaptions including several big screen versions, television films and serials, plays and even a musical.
Herbert George Wells’ contributions to the science fiction genre (particularly “The Time Machine” and the aforementioned “The War of the Worlds”) scarcely hid his political and social observations. Although not the first, Wells was a pioneer in galvanising the futurist concept of the Utopian/Dystopian paradigm. Most importantly, Wells played a widespread role in the agenda of global governance.
Wells also understood many scientific principles. In 1884, “Wells won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science (later the Royal College of Science in South Kensington, now part of Imperial College) in London, studying biology under Thomas Henry Huxley. As an alumnus, he later helped to set up the Royal College of Science Association, of which he became the first president in 1909.”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._G._Wells#Teacher
Wells had a passion and enthusiasm for the belief in an elite-orchestrated collective that could administrate the masses and steer global agendas. Although some will argue that his views on this vision were benevolent, orchestrated in the best interests of all mankind; there are some clues to a slightly more obscure perspective.
In “The Time Machine”, he observed the gap between the elite and the masses and described this world as “perfect”. “Once, life and property must have reached almost absolute safety, the rich had been assured of his wealth and comfort, the toiler assured of his life and work. No doubt in that perfect world there had been no unemployed problem, no social question left unsolved.”
Wells is often cited amongst alternative researchers, due to his authorship of the 1940 piece, “The New World Order”. The book contains many hallmarks of global governance and is, in some places, an almost “how to” guide. In the book, Wells wrote: “There will be no day of days when a new world order comes into being. Step by step and here and there it will arrive, and even as it comes into being it will develop fresh perspectives, discover unsuspected problems and go on to new adventures. No man, no group of men will ever be singled out as its father or founder.”
Although some will scoff at the term “New World Order” and the inherent implications, it is revealing that those who occupy the world political stage have referred to the encompassing term on countless occasions. A cursory internet search will find videos where the likes of Ronald Reagan, George Bush (Junior and Senior), Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, John Major, and so on, have all used the term in major speeches.
Wells was an avid supporter of eugenics. In 1904 he discussed a survey paper by Francis Galton, co-founder of eugenics, saying: “It is in the sterilisation of failure, and not in the selection of successes for breeding, that the possibility of an improvement of the human stock lies.”
There are also obvious connection between The Fabian Society and Wells. It is worth taking the time to research The Fabian Society, as this particular entity has played a huge role in shaping the last 120 years of global governance. Wells’ membership is very well documented and his views on socialism, race and eugenics were widely shared amongst earlier members of the society. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._G._Wells#The_Fabian_Society
With this in mind, it is possible that the contemporary “New World Order” model could be (to some degree) Fabian in origin. Indeed, some researchers assert that this is actually the case. In time, Wells allegedly distanced himself from The Fabian Society. Several sources show his increased critical stance toward them due to “a poor understanding of economics and educational reform.”
Margaret Cole (1974), "H. G. Wells and the Fabian Society". In Morris, A. J. Anthony. Edwardian radicalism, 1900–1914: some aspects of British radicalism. London: Routledge. pp. 97–114. ISBN 0-7100-7866-8.
I should also point out that Wells was a member of “The Coefficients” - formed by early Fabians such as Lord Robert Cecil and Bertrand Russell. These “Coefficients” eventually formed into ‘The Round Table”. The Round Table (of which H. G. Wells was also a founding member) was a think tank that gave birth to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA - which ultimately spawned The Tavistock Institute) and its American cousin, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). For over a hundred years, these organisations have been extensively involved with global governance.
Wells penned the “Declaration of the Rights of Man” for Lord Sankey which was eventually adapted to be the basis of the UN’s “Declaration of Human Rights”. Many researchers have tied the United Nations to various global agendas.
Roger Normand and Saran Zaidi, “Human Rights at the UN - The Political History of Universal Justice”. See: http://www.scribd.com/doc/37003915/Human-Rights-at-the-UN
There is also the claim that he was a high ranking freemason. His writing does contain references to masonry such as his vague parody of the practice in the short story "The Inexperienced Ghost" (“Masonic Lodge of Research, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge 2076”) and the line delivered by the curiously named “Dr Cabal” – explaining his role in creating a “brotherhood of efficiency, the freemasonry of science” in “The Shape of Things to Come”. His 1929 work, “Imperialism and the Open Conspiracy”, probably comes closest to the themes of masonry. There are, however, no discernible references to Wells amongst “official” masonic literature.
Some claim that, because of the implications, great steps have been taken to remove all references to him within masonry. This may well be the case. However, it does not afford us the luxury of making the assumption without, at least, a touch of quantifiable evidence.
These aspects of Wells, that I have covered here, do not wholly constitute his huge legacy in relation to the global agenda though. Whether by design or by fault, it is perhaps telling that Wells’ “The War of the Worlds” became the chosen narrative with which to frame one of the greatest perception management psyops ever conceived.
To be continued…
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-one/paperback/product-23209429.html
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html

Although I am making good progress with the book and can see the end in sight, I’m not there yet! However, this month has presented me with an opportunity to post some of the material from a chapter of the book (which I have split into several parts), which delves into one of the most bizarre broadcasting events of the twentieth century. October 30th 2013 marks the 75th anniversary of the airing of Orson Welles’ “The War of the Worlds” radio play.
This blog series looks at the broadcast itself and some of those individuals connected behind the scenes (individuals associated with larger global agendas), as well as some of the implications and broader legacy of the broadcast.
Part One - The War and the Wells
It is generally considered that the mainstream media “psyop” phenomenon (a psychological operation – designed to steer and manage the perceptions of the masses) is predominantly perpetuated by news and current affairs programming. However, one of the earliest examples from the mainstream media does not pertain to an earthly tale of foreign powers or political intrigue; rather it is, perhaps unbelievably, a story about a Martian invasion of Earth that sets the stage! I refer here to the infamous broadcast of “The War of the Worlds” on October 30th 1938.
I will examine some of the finer details of this broadcast in part two of this blog series. Here, I will look at the man behind the origin of this particular story. In 1898, H. G. Wells published “The War of the Worlds”. The novel was one of the earliest science fiction stories to detail a conflict between mankind and an extra-terrestrial race. The novel is one of the most commented-on works in science fiction. To this day, it has never gone out of print. There have been numerous adaptions including several big screen versions, television films and serials, plays and even a musical.
Herbert George Wells’ contributions to the science fiction genre (particularly “The Time Machine” and the aforementioned “The War of the Worlds”) scarcely hid his political and social observations. Although not the first, Wells was a pioneer in galvanising the futurist concept of the Utopian/Dystopian paradigm. Most importantly, Wells played a widespread role in the agenda of global governance.
Wells also understood many scientific principles. In 1884, “Wells won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science (later the Royal College of Science in South Kensington, now part of Imperial College) in London, studying biology under Thomas Henry Huxley. As an alumnus, he later helped to set up the Royal College of Science Association, of which he became the first president in 1909.”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._G._Wells#Teacher
Wells had a passion and enthusiasm for the belief in an elite-orchestrated collective that could administrate the masses and steer global agendas. Although some will argue that his views on this vision were benevolent, orchestrated in the best interests of all mankind; there are some clues to a slightly more obscure perspective.
In “The Time Machine”, he observed the gap between the elite and the masses and described this world as “perfect”. “Once, life and property must have reached almost absolute safety, the rich had been assured of his wealth and comfort, the toiler assured of his life and work. No doubt in that perfect world there had been no unemployed problem, no social question left unsolved.”
Wells is often cited amongst alternative researchers, due to his authorship of the 1940 piece, “The New World Order”. The book contains many hallmarks of global governance and is, in some places, an almost “how to” guide. In the book, Wells wrote: “There will be no day of days when a new world order comes into being. Step by step and here and there it will arrive, and even as it comes into being it will develop fresh perspectives, discover unsuspected problems and go on to new adventures. No man, no group of men will ever be singled out as its father or founder.”
Although some will scoff at the term “New World Order” and the inherent implications, it is revealing that those who occupy the world political stage have referred to the encompassing term on countless occasions. A cursory internet search will find videos where the likes of Ronald Reagan, George Bush (Junior and Senior), Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, John Major, and so on, have all used the term in major speeches.
Wells was an avid supporter of eugenics. In 1904 he discussed a survey paper by Francis Galton, co-founder of eugenics, saying: “It is in the sterilisation of failure, and not in the selection of successes for breeding, that the possibility of an improvement of the human stock lies.”
There are also obvious connection between The Fabian Society and Wells. It is worth taking the time to research The Fabian Society, as this particular entity has played a huge role in shaping the last 120 years of global governance. Wells’ membership is very well documented and his views on socialism, race and eugenics were widely shared amongst earlier members of the society. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._G._Wells#The_Fabian_Society
With this in mind, it is possible that the contemporary “New World Order” model could be (to some degree) Fabian in origin. Indeed, some researchers assert that this is actually the case. In time, Wells allegedly distanced himself from The Fabian Society. Several sources show his increased critical stance toward them due to “a poor understanding of economics and educational reform.”
Margaret Cole (1974), "H. G. Wells and the Fabian Society". In Morris, A. J. Anthony. Edwardian radicalism, 1900–1914: some aspects of British radicalism. London: Routledge. pp. 97–114. ISBN 0-7100-7866-8.
I should also point out that Wells was a member of “The Coefficients” - formed by early Fabians such as Lord Robert Cecil and Bertrand Russell. These “Coefficients” eventually formed into ‘The Round Table”. The Round Table (of which H. G. Wells was also a founding member) was a think tank that gave birth to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA - which ultimately spawned The Tavistock Institute) and its American cousin, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). For over a hundred years, these organisations have been extensively involved with global governance.
Wells penned the “Declaration of the Rights of Man” for Lord Sankey which was eventually adapted to be the basis of the UN’s “Declaration of Human Rights”. Many researchers have tied the United Nations to various global agendas.
Roger Normand and Saran Zaidi, “Human Rights at the UN - The Political History of Universal Justice”. See: http://www.scribd.com/doc/37003915/Human-Rights-at-the-UN
There is also the claim that he was a high ranking freemason. His writing does contain references to masonry such as his vague parody of the practice in the short story "The Inexperienced Ghost" (“Masonic Lodge of Research, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge 2076”) and the line delivered by the curiously named “Dr Cabal” – explaining his role in creating a “brotherhood of efficiency, the freemasonry of science” in “The Shape of Things to Come”. His 1929 work, “Imperialism and the Open Conspiracy”, probably comes closest to the themes of masonry. There are, however, no discernible references to Wells amongst “official” masonic literature.
Some claim that, because of the implications, great steps have been taken to remove all references to him within masonry. This may well be the case. However, it does not afford us the luxury of making the assumption without, at least, a touch of quantifiable evidence.
These aspects of Wells, that I have covered here, do not wholly constitute his huge legacy in relation to the global agenda though. Whether by design or by fault, it is perhaps telling that Wells’ “The War of the Worlds” became the chosen narrative with which to frame one of the greatest perception management psyops ever conceived.
To be continued…
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-one/paperback/product-23209429.html
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html

New World Order,
Orson Welles,
The Fabian Society,
The Open Conspiracy,
The Shape of Things to Come,
The Tavistock Institute,
The Time Machine,
The War of the Worlds
Thursday, 19 September 2013
5th Annual British Exopolitics Expo

This September sees the West Yorkshire town of Huddersfield play host to a series of lectures that will look at the prospect that extra-terrestrial life has already been discovered, not only by NASA during the Viking Mission to Mars in 1976, but independently by two UK scientists years early.
The 5th Annual British Exopolitics Expo, this year held at the University of Huddersfield, is focusing its public lecture series on the Secrets of the Solar System and features a lecture by one of those pioneering scientists.
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, who originally discovered bacteria in space with the famous Yorkshire astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle in 1974, will present a lecture detailing how recent discoveries of fossilised microorganisms in certain types of meteorites, and also living diatoms (a type of algae) found falling into Earth’s atmosphere from space, continues to strengthen their theory of Cometary Panspermia which will have its 40 anniversary next year.
Professor Wickramasinghe, a Team Member of the European Space Agency’s Rosetta Mission which, in 2014 will see a robotic probe land on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, is the leading proponent of Cometary Panspermia which stipulates that microbes found in space and on Earth originally grew and multiplied in comets in the early period of our solar system before seeding life on planet Earth.
In lecture “Extra-terrestrial Life: Discovery & Disclosure” former Analytical Scientist, Anthony Beckett will present the evidence showing that NASA did indeed discover evidence of microbial life on Mars 37 years ago and suggests that the reason the data was not accepted was political and not scientifically based.
Skipton-born Open University tutor Andrew Johnson will look further at the “Secrets of the Solar System” and suggest that there is evidence of extra-terrestrial life, not only limited to simple life forms but perhaps extra-terrestrial intelligences may have left their mark … if we knew what to look for.
Nexus magazine editor Marcus Allen and U.S. researcher Richard Dolan (presenting "UFOs and the National Security State") will also be speaking.
The expo is being held at the University of Huddersfield’s Canalside West Lecture on Firth Street, Huddersfield on Saturday September 28th 2013.
This is an event organised by Anthony Beckett, who is the executive producer of Exopolitics Great Britain – an organisation that has been promoting the notion that we are not alone by holding international Exopolitics conferences in the United Kingdom. Tickets are prices £20 and £15 for N.U.S. card holders.
For more information about Exopolitics Great Britain see the website www.exopoliticsgb.com or contact Anthony Beckett – email: anthony.m.beckett@gmail.com; phone: (+44) 7733 323841 – or visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ExopoliticsGreatBritain
Further information can be found at UFO Truth Magazine: www.ufotruthmagazine.com
The producer of the Annual British Exopolitics Expos, Anthony Beckett, discusses the conference here on HPANWO Radio (on Critical Mass Radio) - dated Tuesday September 10th, 2013.
5th Annual British Exopolitics Expo,
Andrew Johnson,
Anthony Beckett,
Chandra Wickramasinghe,
extra-terrestrial life,
Marcus Allen,
Richard Dolan
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
9/11 - Twelve Years On...
As most of you will no doubt know, today is the twelfth anniversary of the events of 9/11. At this time, every year, the cultural zeitgeist (perpetuated by the mainstream media) kicks into high gear and bombards the masses with a load of reinforcing propaganda that tops up all the programmed notions and aspects of perception management that were very much a result of the events of that fateful day.
In the UK, most mainstream channels usually re-air all of the hit pieces that were conceived in the aftermath of the events. This year has been an oddly sedate affair and it seems that, for a variety of reasons, 9/11 is keeping its head down. Aside from the usual day long marathons being broadcast on P.R. outlets such as National Geographic and the History Channel, the rest are keeping a relatively low profile.
This is hardly a surprise though when one looks at the current state of affairs in relation to the bigger picture. It is not hard to recognise the events that led from 9/11. Illegal wars of aggression and occupation, regime change, big bad bogeymen conjured up from every nook and cranny you could imagine, Orwellian laws designed to curtail individual rights and liberties, weapons of mass destruction curiously appearing in the neighbourhood of any country that doesn’t play ball with the precepts of Global Governance – these have all become par for the course since 9/11.
There is a tendency to fall into the trap of believing that there is actually nothing left to say about 9/11 and its legacy. Whilst it may be true, we should never get complacent and tire of discussing that which is now known. Certainly, I believe that the evidence I recount to others (namely the work of Dr Judy Wood in her book “Where Did The Towers Go?”), pretty much speaks for itself. Those who continually call for a “new debate”, “new discussion” or “new investigation” (in my personal opinion) are wandering down a dead end path.
Never the less, we do need to keep talking about that which we know. It is curious that the sudden low key approach has timed with the current situation in Syria. I am somewhat heartened by public reaction to the Syrian paradigm. Most of us were convinced that a strike upon the country (in some form) was literally 24 hours away… and this was weeks ago. We have, in actuality, seen all manner of “back peddling” over recent weeks.
In the UK, the government’s initial beating of the war drum rapidly went quiet when it became obvious that (perhaps even more than at the time of the Iraq invasion) public opinion was simply not on their side. I have listened to people I know (who would usually be all in favour of a war) espousing far more caution. Mostly, this reluctance seems to stem from a belief that we really shouldn’t be spading out money for a foreign war, when there is “no money at home”!
There is a delicious irony in all this, for it seems that the current economic woes engineered by the “powers that be” may have been inadvertently responsible for derailing the war plans (and, ultimately, the steps on the road to global governance) of the “powers that be”!
There is more though. Far more people began to recognise the same old tune (with Syria) that was used to carefully manipulate the masses in the lead up to the Iraq invasion. Weapons of mass destruction in Syria became a far more convoluted affair than a simple pre-cursor to cause and effect. Put simply, the analogous “boy who cried wolf” tale just wasn’t being listened to any more.
This far from removes the inevitability of the “powers that be” acting in accordance with their global governance agenda, given that they know how to craft many alternatives routes to their goals.
These, and far more serious implications, are the true legacy of 9/11. 9/11 revealed the one (metaphorical and literal) truly bone fide weapon of mass destruction. Not only in the form of a directed free energy weapon, but also in the form of a weapon that can reconfigure our beliefs, ideals and notions of our world around us and what is yet to come. Maybe twelve years has allowed us some time to begin to reclaim those beliefs and ideals as our own.
It is with determined hope that I believe a day will come when those events will be examined through the eyes of a more accurate and evidential historical context, rather than those of pre-conceived notions, managed perceptions and a manufactured program of cultural and historical indoctrination. Hopefully, by then, we will have removed ourselves from the current state of war upon our consciousness and begun to recognise something of our larger reality.
We can but hope…
Peace folks!
The Truth Seeker’s Guide.
Directed Free-Energy Technology,
Dr Judy Wood,
Global Governance,
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Richplanet TV Has Been Pulled From National Television
I learned of some sad news last night… sad news at least for me, although I suspect there will be many others who share my sentiments. Richard D Hall’s excellent show “Richplanet TV” has been pulled from the Showcase channel due to a complaint received by OFCOM from an apparently disgruntled viewer.
Although, OFCOM have yet to rule, “Information TV” (the company that held the contract making it possible for the show to air on television) has decided that dealings with OFCOM are just too time consuming (amongst other reasons) and have effectively decided to terminate the shows contract. This means that Richplanet TV currently no longer appears on TV.
Richard D Hall has made a short video explaining the details here:http://www.richplanet.net/pulled.php
I have watched Richard’s show pretty much from day one. It is largely thanks to his tireless efforts to showcase often incredibly dedicated and legitimate researchers, that I became aware of the work of Dr Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson, Lloyd Pye, Rupert Sheldrake, the list goes on. It is a safe bet to also say that it would have taken me considerably longer to become aware of Anthony Beckett and Exopolitics GB, Dave Hodrien and BUFOG, the determined work of David Cayton or Gary Heseltine, or Ben Emlyn Jones’ HPANWO blog, had it not been for Richplanet TV.
Richard himself has been no slouch, having researched and compiled numerous documentaries on a variety of subjects, as well as blowing the whole 9/11 / ‘no planes’ discussions completely up in the air thanks to his meticulously assembled radar data evidence.
I will also miss the laughs! Despite the serious subject matters on the show, it was hard to avoid a smirk every time Richard reached for his trusty “bulls*** detector”, referred to something unusual as “it’s Bob Lazar!” or even the earlier days of the show when guests were “beamed” aboard the old “Richplanet Starship”!
I have often said that my personal list of reasons for throwing the old “hypnobox” in the local skip is a very long one! Despite the many hours that my TV has gathered dust in the corner, waiting for the inevitable final journey to the dump, it has received continual reprieves – mostly thanks to Richplanet TV.
Why should any of this matter though? Well, in a nutshell, there are still a huge number of folk who watch the TV, regardless of the tripe that is shovelled out for mass consumption. Perhaps, in the back of my mind, I always felt that Richplanet TV was the one stubborn little bastard that refused to budge from the airways… that whilst it remained, there would always be one hour of truth and integrity left on TV. The decision to remove the show is perhaps an inevitable sign of the times.
My hope is that the show will return to the box in the corner. Richard is a dedicated individual who, I’m sure, will not be beaten by this turn of events. His website still remains, as will his documentaries and talks. I hope he will continue to interview researchers and report on all manner of subjects, perhaps keeping Richplanet TV available as an internet based show.
At the end of the day, whilst TV continues to articulate its stranglehold over the majority, I truly believe that we need outlets of enlightenment and integrity – outlets like Richplanet TV, to redress the balance and remind the powers that be that they can’t have it all their own way… that the truth will always point to itself.
Whatever the future may hold, at least Richard appears to be unfettered by these current circumstances. Given his determination, we can be certain that Richplanet (in some form or another) will be around for a while to come.
Long may it continue and my huge respect and gratitude to Richard for all he has done to open my eyes a little more.
The Truth Seeker's Guide.
Books available from Carl James:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume One - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-one/paperback/product-23209429.html
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Volume Two - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html
Richard D Hall,
Richplanet Starship,
RichplanetTV pulled from national television
Truthjuice Gathering 2013
This is just to remind folk in the UK about Truthjuice Gathering 2013. The event will commence on Thursday 22nd August and conclude on Monday 26th August. It is being held at Stonehenge Campsite, in the beautiful location of Berwick St James. http://www.stonehengecampsite.co.uk/Home
Truthjuice is an amazing collective of awakened individuals who have established several venues across the country, playing host to some of the most enlightened alternative thinkers and researchers you could hope to find.
The Truthjuice Gathering 2013 will be presenting many of these speakers:
Links with full details of each speaker and their presentations can be found here: http://www.truthjuice.co.uk/?page_id=2538
The weekend will also feature the TruthJuice Crop Circle and Megalithic Site Tour.
Full details for the 2013 Gathering can be found here: http://www.truthjuice.co.uk/?page_id=1605
Truthjuice is an amazing collective of awakened individuals who have established several venues across the country, playing host to some of the most enlightened alternative thinkers and researchers you could hope to find.
The Truthjuice Gathering 2013 will be presenting many of these speakers:
- Santos Bonacci - A talk about the big 3: Astrotheology, Astrology and Syncretism
- Kerry Cassidy - Robotic Superman or Angelic Human? Empowerment for the Future
- Tony Gosling - Investigative Journalism – A Revolutionary Act
- Maria Wheatley - Tarot – from the Romany to the Adept, Crop Circle and Megalithic Site Tour
- Neil Sanders - MK ULTRA, LSD and the Hippie Movement (Please note; this talk may not be suitable for children!)
- John Byde - Implosion, Cymatics, Zero Point energy and the work of Victor Schauberger
- Yannick van Doorne - Ancient techniques applied to food production: Pyramid applications for agriculture and energy production
- Lucy Wyatt - From the Ice Age to the Modern Age & the Origins of Cities, Questions of Identity & why the Celts did not build Stonehenge
- Dave Murphy - Practical Free Energy & Telepathy and the Complete Human
- Lawrence Main - Ley Hunting and King Arthurs Camlan
- Nick Marchmont - Ceremony, Healing and the End of a World Age
- Gary Biltcliffe - The Legacy of the Etruscans and the Pelasgi
- TruthJuice Dave - Media Mind Manipulation and the Spiritual War on Humanity. (Please note; this talk is not suitable for children!)
- Rob Buckle - Crop Circles, Rabbit Holes & Time Loops!
- Philip Weeks - Make Yourself Better with Natural Medicine
- Gary Evans - Natural Technologies of the Ancient World
Links with full details of each speaker and their presentations can be found here: http://www.truthjuice.co.uk/?page_id=2538
The weekend will also feature the TruthJuice Crop Circle and Megalithic Site Tour.
Full details for the 2013 Gathering can be found here: http://www.truthjuice.co.uk/?page_id=1605
Dave Murphy,
John Byde,
Kerry Cassidy,
Lucy Wyatt,
Maria Wheatley,
Neil Sanders,
Nick Marchmont,
Santos Bonacci,
Tony Gosling,
Truthjuice Gathering 2013,
Yannick van Doorne
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