Apologies for my absence of late. It has been a while since I have posted any new material here on my blog. Some of you may be aware of recent events in my personal life (via some brief postings on my Facebook page). For those of you aren’t aware, my absence is due to the sudden and unexpected passing of my dad in early November. Since that time, things have been very difficult for myself and my family. My time has been spent very much concentrating on family and trying to move forward from our loss. Unfortunately, this has meant that the writing of several new books, further research, making videos and doing talks and interviews has had to go on hold for the moment. I am endeavouring to get things back on track from January 2018 onwards and will bring you any news and updates about the work I placed on hold in November as soon as it is completed.
Before the loss of my dad, I was asked to speak at the AwakeCon 2017 event in Medstead in mid-November – something I was very keen to do – and I said yes. My dad passed away one week before this conference and I was unsure, at the time, if I would be able to attend. My dad was really looking forward to my attending AwakeCon (even though he wasn’t able to attend himself) and kept asking me about it in the days before he passed away. Having spoken to my family at length on the matter, I made the decision to still attend the conference – not only so as to not let down those people organising and attending the conference, but also in memory of my dad.
The conference was excellent and very well organised. I had the opportunity to meet some really wonderful, open-minded, and intelligent people. My huge thanks to Andrew Johnson for getting me there and back safely, and to Menna Campbell-Widdess for her wonderful hospitality over the weekend. Also, thanks to both of them for their support during what was quite an emotionally raw time for me. I also had an opportunity to record an interview with Andrew Johnson about some research I had recently concluded on the subject of the 1938 War of the Worlds psyop. Again, thanks to both Andrew and Menna for making this interview possible. You can watch this interview at the following link: The 1938 War of the Worlds Psyop - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=656kMTDA0Gk
Before I move on, I want to thank all those people who attended AwakeCon 2017 and those people who organised the event and kept things running so smoothly – Tajinder Gill, Sarah Adams, Ben Emlyn Jones, the list goes on. Also, to the wealth of excellent speakers at AwakeCon who made the weekend such a success. Videos of some of the various talks given at the event have now been uploaded to YouTube and can be watched at the following links:
AwakeCon 2017 - David Shayler: The Truth Shall Set You Free -
AwakeCon 2017 - Ben Emlyn-Jones: SETI and UFOs -
AwakeCon 2017 - Thomas Sheridan: Demons Decoded -
AwakeCon 2017 - Tony Topping: UFOs Beyond The Known Paradigm -
AwakeCon 2017 - Andrew Johnson: What on Earth is the Starchild Skull -
AwakeCon 2017 - Cathi Morgan: Deconstructing the Mind Control Matrix -
AwakeCon 2017 - Carl James: Disney Darkside -
More Disney Darkside…
At AwakeCon, I gave an hour-long talk covering an overview of the Disney subject. Much more information on this subject has been coming my way recently. Although I have yet to collate this new data into a publishable form (something I hope to rectify in the early new year), it is worth pointing out the implications of one of the juicier and highly-publicized aspects of this information – that of the Disney buyout of 20th / 21st Century Fox in the last week or so. The unprecedented $52.4 billion deal will ultimately give Disney all of Fox’s entertainment (film and TV) intellectual properties – along with a myriad of other media assets. It has become painfully clear to me in recent years (particularly thanks to my contact with a prominent Disney insider) that Disney have a dark and all-encompassing control agenda with regard to the way the media currently works. The recent deal will allow Disney to hold a substantial sway in the digital download / streaming realm – another area of the contemporary media that they have eyed as a target for monopolization. This would seem to chime with Disney’s plans to use the media to manipulate human consciousness and energy (as my Disney contact has verified).
Interestingly, the Disney / Fox deal also resonates with the research I assembled in my detailed books “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda” – Volumes One & Two. The links for these books are below:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - 2016 Edition Volume One - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-one/paperback/product-23209429.html
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - 2016 Edition Volume Two - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
Science fiction and fantasy output in the media can be evidentially documented as having a substantial connection with the goals and agendas of the global ruling elite. The deal between Disney and Fox will shortly place all manner of media science fiction and fantasy intellectual properties under the effective control of Disney. Some of these past and present TV shows include the likes of: Manimal, Automan, Alien Nation, Tales from the Crypt, The X-Files, The Lone Gunmen, Millennium, Space: Above and Beyond, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (co-produced with UPN and WB), Roswell, Harsh Realm, Dark Angel, Freakylinks, 24, Firefly, Tru Calling, Futurama, Wonderfalls, Journeyman, Life on Mars (the US version), Dollhouse, Terra Nova, American Horror Story, Sleepy Hollow, The Last Man on Earth, The Strain, The Gifted, Legion, and The Orville. Culturally iconic TV franchises like The Simpson and Family Guy will also fall to Disney.
Films include: Journey to the Center of the Earth, Fantastic Voyage, One Million Years BC, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Damnation Alley, Cocoon, The Abyss, Solaris (remake), 28 Days Later, The Day After Tomorrow, I Robot, Jumper, The Happening, Babylon A.D., The Day the Earth Stood Still (remake), The Martian, The Revenant, Deadpool, and the films franchises for the Planet of the Apes, The Omen, Alien, Predator, The Fly, Independence Day, The Power Rangers, The X Men, The Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Robots, Night at the Museum, Percy Jackson, The Maze Runner, and Avatar.
It appears that the deal may also include the intellectual properties of the Irwin Allen genre stable - meaning that the likes of Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, and Land of the Giants could also become the intellectual property of Disney.
I will be examining this development and the implications for the future of the science fiction / fantasy genre (and the larger mainstream media/global elite agenda) in Volume Three of Science Fiction and the Hidden Global – a book I hope to write in 2018.
Overall, I have suspected for some time that Disney has a “long game” – one that will conclude with them pretty much controlling the entire entertainment side of the mainstream media. The aforementioned deal will bring Disney so much closer to that goal. It has been speculated that the American political “ruling” elite may step in and veto the deal in its current form at some point in the near future - if the deal is deemed as creating a substantial Disney monopoly. In fact, both Disney and Fox have created cash “payback” clauses in the deal should this happen – a clause that will see one side paying the other a “settlement” of several billion dollars if the deal falls apart. However, I find it unlikely that this will happen. I firmly believe that Disney is fully on-track to seize control of the majority of the media, in-line with its secretive use of the media as a fully-fledged weapon against the masses of humanity. Whilst we can only spread the word about the nature of this agenda, we will have to wait and see how Disney specifically decides to play it out.
Season’s Greetings…
As always, I want to thank everybody who has supported my research and writing, the articles posted here, the videos I have uploaded, the talks and interviews I have given, and, overall, all the other efforts I have made to spread awareness about alternative subjects over the past year. It is truly appreciated. The encouragement, friendship, and positive response that I get from you all makes everything I do worthwhile. In that spirit, I wish you all good health, happiness and positive energy during the festive season and for the year ahead.
See you in 2018!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
December Updates, More Disney & Season’s Greetings
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
The 1938 War of the Worlds Psyop
In this video Andrew Johnson and Carl James discuss idea that the 1938 CBS radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds (presented by Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre on the Air) was an psychological experiment to study public reaction (and the potential for psychological manipulation and social engineering) to the output of the mainstream media. Was there really a "mass panic" reaction to the 1938 broadcast? Was the broadcast itself part of a study financed by The Rockefeller Foundation? How much was Orson Welles a part of the psychological experiment and study? How much does the broadcast and psychological study factor into the ET/UFO paradigm? Was the study of the broadcast a "test bed" template / model for the role that the media would play in subsequent historical events like WWII and 9/11? All of these question and more are examined in this discussion.
To view this video on YouTube, click here: https://youtu.be/656kMTDA0Gk
The original 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast is available to listen to here: Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs0K4ApWl4g
The Rockefeller Foundation Annual Reports can be viewed here: https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/about-us/governance-reports/annual-reports/
For more from Andrew Johnson, visit: http://www.checktheevidence.com/
For more from Carl James, visit: http://thetruthseekersguide.blogspot.co.uk/
Andrew Johnson,
C. D. Jackson,
Dr Judy Wood,
Frank Stanton,
Hadley Cantril,
Orson Welles,
Princeton Radio Research Project,
Rockefeller Foundation,
Stanley Kubrick,
War Of The Worlds
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Book: Climate Change and Global Warming - Exposed: Hidden Evidence, Disguised Plans
"The weather is something which affects all of us, every day of our lives. It dictates our long and short-term plans. In the UK, the weather is the "default topic" of conversation for strangers and friends alike. Though it has obvious and far reaching importance, most people don't know very much about the weather. These days, they don't take time to observe it and probably spend more time looking at a screen than they do looking at the sky. They don't really know why the weather seems to be changing. They are told by mainstream sources that anthropogenic (human) activity is having a negative effect on the weather. This book collects together, for the first time anywhere, a range of diverse data which proves that the whole issue of “climate change” is more complicated and challenging than almost all researchers into all these topics are willing to consider, examine or entertain. The book covers the global warming myth, geoengineering proposals, persistent jet trails, weather anomalies, weather modification, 9/11 and Agenda 21. Most of the people that need to read this book probably won't ever hear about it.
It is hoped that, by the time you have read this book, your world-view will have been shattered completely and you will have learned about the manipulation that you and everyone else, has been subjected to, since talk of global warming and climate change was first heard in the late 1980s. Once you have read and inwardly digested the contents of this book, your immunity against global deception and psychological manipulation will be increased."
Click here for a free PDF download: http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/Climate%20Change%20and%20Global%20Warming-Exposed-6x9.pdf
Click here to order from ChecktheEvidence: http://www.checktheevidence.com/911/orderpage.html#ccgw_bk
Click here to order from Amazon (available in all regions, so find it in your region!): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Climate-Change-Global-Warming-Disguised/dp/1976209846/
Click here to order from Lulu.com: http://www.lulu.com/shop/andrew-johnson/climate-change-and-global-warming-exposed/paperback/product-23333295.html
Click here to order from ChecktheEvidence: http://www.checktheevidence.com/911/orderpage.html#ccgw_bk
Click here to order from Amazon (available in all regions, so find it in your region!): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Climate-Change-Global-Warming-Disguised/dp/1976209846/
Click here to order from Lulu.com: http://www.lulu.com/shop/andrew-johnson/climate-change-and-global-warming-exposed/paperback/product-23333295.html
Agenda 21,
Andrew Johnson,
climate change,
Global Warming,
Hurricane Erin,
persistent jet trails,
weather anomalies,
Weather Modification
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Arcade Fire - Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities
I have uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel entitled "Arcade Fire - Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRQMLVUkVHM
There is a lot of information in this video that has not really received any attention anywhere. I felt it was time to try and correct that oversight. Some of the information (particularly the embedded "code" in Arcade Fire's video "Signs of Life") is quite staggering and I'm surprised I haven't heard it being discussed in alternative knowledge research circles. Please check out the video, share it far and wide, give it a "thumbs-up", etc., if you want to.
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide)
There is a lot of information in this video that has not really received any attention anywhere. I felt it was time to try and correct that oversight. Some of the information (particularly the embedded "code" in Arcade Fire's video "Signs of Life") is quite staggering and I'm surprised I haven't heard it being discussed in alternative knowledge research circles. Please check out the video, share it far and wide, give it a "thumbs-up", etc., if you want to.
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide)
Andrew Johnson,
Arcade Fire,
Dr Judy Wood,
Everything Now,
Mark Devlin,
Mind Control,
Music Industry,
Neil Sanders,
Richard D Hall,
Saturn Worship
Arcade Fire - Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities
I have uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel called "Arcade Fire - Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities". Please check it out, share, give it a "thumbs-up", etc., if you like.
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide)
Monday, 18 September 2017
Star Trek & 9/11 - The Ellison Family Connection

Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)
Star Trek & 9/11 – The Ellison Family Connection

In my 2016 edition of “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda” – Volume One, I had to leave a dangling question about the possible motives and agendas behind the making of “Star Trek: Into Darkness”. In the book, I demonstrate how the film was a reinforcement of the official narrative of 9/11. I was a little perplexed as to what happened to a reference to 9/11 in the closing credits of the film. Here is a short section from my book: “A dedication “to the post 9/11 veterans” was included in the closing credits of the cinematic release of the film. Curiously, since the release of the first edition of this book, it has come to my attention that the dedication “to the post 9/11 veterans” has been removed from the closing credits of the European DVD and Blu-ray releases, as well as from those versions aired on UK television. We really should ask the question why? I have yet to confirm if the dedication remains in any DVD / Blu-ray releases of the film sold outside of the European coding region.” I have yet to clear this matter up to my satisfaction. However, the revelations later in this article may provide a possible answer.
Further in my book, I wrote: “On the subject of the film’s closing credits (and as a substantial connection between the film and the 9/11 / free energy technology cover-up), the producers of the film used the credits to thank “Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the US Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration” – who were consulted (in what capacity I am unsure) during production of the film.” I raised this subject again in my recent “Disney Darkside” presentation: “Although it is known that Livermore Labs and the Department of Energy were extensively consulted for the film, it is not known why they were involved. Given that the film is a blitz of 9/11 propaganda (reinforcing the “official” narrative of those events), we should also note the existence and use of directed free-energy technology on 9/11 (as exposed by Dr Judy Wood in her book “Where Did the Towers Go?”). In this regard, we are once again back in the territory of energy. J.J. Abrams and his associates have repeatedly returned to the subject of energy (in one form or another) throughout their careers.”
Star Trek has often synchronised 9/11 to the directed free-energy technology / weaponry used on 9/11. The aforementioned “Xindi” story arc in “Enterprise” is triggered when a directed free-energy weapon is utilised to destroy a huge chunk of the eastern coast mainland of America. Then there is Robert Picardo’s (who portrayed the EMH Doctor in “Star Trek: Voyager”) multi-faceted involvement with the NASA/JPL outfit “The Planetary Society”. Picardo has served on the advisory board of The Planetary Society for approximately two decades. The Planetary Society is (by its own admission) sponsored by the likes of Underwriters Laboratories. This provides a significant connection between the Star Trek franchise and the 9/11 cover up - given the connections between Underwriters Labs, NIST and the 9/11 cover story. Dr Judy Wood (author of "Where Did the Towers Go - Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11") has extensively documented her Request for Correction (RFC) to the NIST WTC reports and her Qui Tam cases verses a number of defendants including Underwriters Laboratories.
But back to “Star Trek: Into Darkness”. The film’s co-writer, producer, and director J.J. Abrams is (as I demonstrated in the aforementioned “Disney Darkside” presentation) quite fixated with the themes of energy and consciousness in his media output. He has also collaborated extensively with the likes of the U.S. DoD, the CIA, NASA, the United Nations and the Department of Energy on his television and film projects. Note also that the Department of Energy and the DoE-funded Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (both credited as collaborating on the production of “Into Darkness”) have worked with every branch of the military industrial complex on the likes of so-called "psychic warfare", mind control, and free-energy technology development... and the suppression of it, for that matter. Although you can read between the lines (based on all the aforementioned) as to why these entities were involved with “Star Trek: Into Darkness”, I was never able to evidentially demonstrate who got them involved and why… until now. As is often the case with such things, the evidence was staring me in the face all along. It was in the public domain all along and I somehow failed to notice it.
My discovery was prompted by some recent additional research into the Kathryn Bigelow-directed film “Zero Dark Thirty” – which was presented as a depiction of the “true story” (which in itself is a wholly false narrative) of a military assault on the compound where we were told “Osama bin Laden” was “killed”. Interestingly, the villainous “Khan” character into “Star Trek: Into Darkness” was described by several people involved with that film as a “Bin Laden-type character”. You will see why I have highlighted this synchronicity as I go on. “Zero Dark Thirty” shows how torture was used by the CIA to “obtain intelligence” about “Bin Laden”. It has now been evidentially documented that the CIA were involved with the production of “Zero Dark Thirty” – despite their repeated denials that they were ever involved with the project. Additionally, Kathryn Bigelow received classified documents from The Pentagon (not even privy to members of the US Congress) to help with production of the film. The extensive use of military equipment and assets was also procured for the film - which must have been cleared by the military given the narrative and themes of the film. Remember that Kathryn Bigelow also directed “The Hurt Locker” which was a classic example of a Hollywood film serving as a recruitment/propaganda film for the US military.
David L. Robb’s excellent book “Operation Hollywood” demonstrates how many films and television productions have received Pentagon / DOD support in exchange for their input in the writing / rewriting of scripts. Although this is usually done to allow the military to create positive portrayals of the institution and encourage recruitment uptake, it is also done to allow the military to “white-wash” the less-than-favourable aspects of military history (“Black Hawk Down” is a good example of this) and maintain the façade of certain psyops and cover-ups that have involved the military / industrial / complex. The CIA have precisely the same arrangement with various Hollywood film and television productions for precisely the same reasons. It appears that the same situation is also true of the likes of the FBI, NSA, NASA, United Nations and, for that matter, the Department of Energy. With regard to the latter, it would explain why the DoE and LLNL were involved with “Star Trek: Into Darkness” – a film that maintains the mainstream illusion (at least thematically) of the “official” narrative of 9/11 and simultaneously muddles and redirects attention away from the true nature of the directed free-energy technology on 9/11 cover-up.
Now we unravel more deeply! “Zero Dark Thirty” was co-produced by Annapurna Pictures. Annapurna Pictures was founded in April 2011 by Margaret Elizabeth "Megan" Ellison. Megan Ellison is the sister of David Ellison who is also a bit, big hitter in the Hollywood industry – he is a notable film producer, close associate of J.J. Abrams and the founder and CEO of Skydance Media. Skydance is responsible for producing (amongst others) the following feature-length films Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol and Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (both co-produced by J.J. Abrams and both assisted in production by the CIA), G.I. Joe: Retaliation, World War Z, Terminator Genisys, Jack Reacher, and Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (all Pentagon / DOD associated), and Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (DOD & CIA associated). They are also currently producing Top Gun: Maverick. This film, like the first Top Gun film, involves (multiple DOD / CIA collaborator) Jerry Bruckheimer and, I’ve no doubt, will (like Top Gun) almost certainly receive full DOD / Pentagon support. The short and long of it is that almost every production that has come out of Skydance Media has received DOD and / or CIA support.
And now for drumroll… are you ready? Skydance Media also produced… wait for it… Star Trek: Into Darkness AND, for that matter, Star Trek: Beyond!
But it doesn’t end there. Megan and David Ellison are the son and daughter (respectively) of Larry Ellison. It appears that all the opportunities that Megan and David have had in their lives in establishing their positions (both connectively and financially) in the Hollywood industry have been thanks to the position, wealth and power of their father. Larry Ellison is a businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who, according to numerous sources, is now listed as the fifth-wealthiest person in America and the seventh-wealthiest in the world – worth over $60 billion. Larry Ellison gained his wealth by co-founding (and serving as the CEO) of the Oracle (interesting name!) Corporation. His corporation began life in a rather telling manner. In the 1970s, Larry Ellison worked for Ampex Corporation where he was tasked with creating a database for the CIA – which he named “Oracle”. His Oracle Corporation grew out of this project. The following is taken from a 2014 Business Insider article by Julie Bort entitled “Larry Ellison Is A Billionaire Today Thanks To The CIA”: “The CIA was the customer that launched Oracle, cofounder Larry Ellison said on stage Sunday night during the opening keynote for the company's massive customer conference in San Francisco. "Our very first customer was the Central Intelligence Agency," he said.” Historically, Oracle has had many dealings with the likes of the CIA and The Pentagon. Are we seeing a pattern in the Ellison family?
To bring this piece to a conclusion, I want to briefly touch on 9/11 again. Thanks to Larry Ellison, Oracle seems to have played a substantial role in the 9/11 cover-up as well. Soon after the events at The Pentagon on 9/11, Larry Ellison had allegedly “already made arrangements with the army for more than two hundred staff from the damaged Pentagon to be accommodated in Oracle's Washington offices. A secure Special Response Center had been quickly established to provide support for government agencies needing security-cleared communications channels. Ellison said that in New York a similar effort was under way, including the creation of an "emergency office locator" to help identify the temporary office locations of thousands of displaced workers.” (Quote taken from “Softwar: An Intimate Portrait of Larry Ellison and Oracle” by Matthew Symonds, pg. 402)
It has also been claimed that Todd Beamer, a 32 year old account manager at Ellison's Oracle Corporation in New Jersey, was an “alleged” passenger on Flight 93 on 9/11. Beamer was forever connected with the 9/11 cover story via the propaganda movie “United 93” as the “passenger” who (according to “official” sources and narrative) said “Let’s Roll” and then joined others in proceeding to overpower the alleged hijackers. Of course, there are so many flaws in the Flight 93 “narrative”, I wouldn’t know where to begin here. I suggest you gain a clearer perspective by looking at some of the research of Andrew Johnson and Mark Conlon. Links to some of the research into the “planes” on 9/11 subject are included in my previous article “The Truth About 9/11” - http://thetruthseekersguide.blogspot.co.uk/2017/09/the-truth-about-911.html
So there you have it. By no means am I saying that the Ellison family are the ones we should hold exclusively to account for the subversive (in a negative sense) content and agendas of the aforementioned Hollywood films. They are only a part of a chain of entities that are steering and influencing these films. But, if nothing else, this article should give a little insight into the processes that are at work. There is no such thing as a coincidence or harmless association when we read “thanks to…” in the end credits of a film – at least not when those being thanked have very clear and documented military, political, historical and social agendas. Like the sunglasses motif in the film “They Live” or the lines of code in “The Matrix”, it really is time to recognise the media for what it is. Stop treating it like it is good, harmless, all smiles and sunshine, friendly and helpful, and on your side. It may not have been all bad at one time, but today it pretty much stinks rotten and isn’t worthy of anybody’s time or attention. My advice is now, always try and ignore it whenever you can. If you do notice it, whenever it waves its glittery arms all over the place – screaming for your attention, learn to see it for what it is.
Until next time!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)

David Ellison,
Department of Energy,
Disney Darkside,
Dr Judy Wood,
JJ Abrams,
Larry Ellison,
Megan Ellison,
Skydance Media,
Star Trek Into Darkness
Monday, 11 September 2017
The Truth About 9/11
Around this time every year, I try to post a little something about the subject of 9/11. Today is the 16th (an inverted 91!) anniversary of the events of that tragic day in 2001. Despite the fact that many people have now awoken to (or are in the process of awakening to) the truth about what really happened on that day, there are still many people who maintain that 9/11 took place exactly as the mainstream media narrative dictated. There are also people who have always had questions about the events of 9/11 and have looked around the internet and “tripped over” the various limited-hangouts that exist purely to mislead people who are curious about the truth of 9/11. Some of these latter folk have stalled their curiosity by falling for the notion of bombs being planted in the WTC (and several surrounding) buildings before 9/11. Others fall for the idea of the use of thermite or even “mini-nukes” on 9/11. Such notions are based on a myriad of unsupported theories and endless speculation. This limited-hangout perspective of the events of 9/11 creates a conclusion in certain minds that, whilst being “very fishy”, the idea of the events of 9/11 being anything other than what the official narrative tells us has no real solid evidence. It’s all just another “conspiracy theory” from the “tin-foil hat wearing brigade”!
I can tell you here and now that this conclusion couldn’t be further from the truth. Although I have been researching 9/11 since (pretty much) the day it happened, it wasn’t until roughly eight years ago that I discovered the ground-breaking research of Dr Judy Wood. For those of you unfamiliar with Dr Judy Wood, here is an overview of her credentials taken from the website “Where Did the Towers Go”: “Dr. Judy D. Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical methods, deformation analysis, and the materials characterization of biomaterials and composite materials. She is a member of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), co-founded SEM’s Biological Systems and Materials Division, and has served on the SEM Composite Materials Technical Division. Dr. Wood received her B.S. (Civil Engineering, 1981) (Structural Engineering), M.S. Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983), and Ph.D. (Materials Engineering Science, 1992).” http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/author/
I cannot stress how important it is for people to go away and study the evidence that has been gathered by Dr Judy Wood. There is no way I could do justice to the evidence, that this lady has presented in her book “Where Did the Towers Go?” - a few sentences here or even a lengthy article wouldn’t begin to scratch the surface. In a nutshell, Dr Judy Wood’s data evidentially demonstrates conclusively that the Twin Towers of the WTC complex did not collapse or blow-up. Quite simply, they sizeably turned to dust in mid-air. Dr Judy Wood’s data also demonstrates that this process was not caused by impacting “jet liners” and the like. Rather, the destruction of the Twins Towers (and seemingly multiple surrounding buildings in the WTC complex area) was caused by a weapon of directed free-energy technology. Sounds almost difficult to believe doesn’t it!? Unfortunately, this is the reality of what happened on 9/11 and the overwhelming and demonstrable evidence collated by Dr Judy Wood is the proof of this.
The implications of the use of this type of technology in use on 9/11 is staggering. Not only does it evidentially prove that the world was wholly lied to about what really happened on 9/11 (and, for that matter, every single day ever since 9/11), but it also demonstrates that there are free-energy technologies in existence that (whilst offering a very real and practical way out of the economic and scientific prisons that the masses of the world are currently trapped in) have been perverted into usage as devastating weapons of destruction capable of killing countless people and potentially destroying vast areas of landscape.
There is also another aspect of the technology used on 9/11 with serious implications – that of the bizarre behaviour of Hurricane Erin, that was due to make landfall in New York on the morning of 9/11. Just before 9/11 took place, Hurricane Erin seemingly defied the laws of nature by making an abrupt right-turn on itself and headed straight back out into the Atlantic Ocean. How convenient for what was to subsequently take place! However, I don’t believe in coincidences on this scale! Dr Judy Wood’s evidence shows that Hurricane Erin was either a component aspect of the directed free-energy technological mechanism that occurred on 9/11 or, at the very least, was affected by the process. It seems a little bizarre that, on the anniversary of 9/11, the east coast of American has been battered by seemingly multiple hurricanes. Even the most sceptical of my friends and colleagues have voiced the concern that there is something really odd going on in the US with these weather phenomenon – although many of them have blindly and naively dismissed the oddities as “probably climate change” (my rebuttal to this will have to be a subject for another time!) If, as the evidence demonstrates, directed free-energy technology can affect huge hurricanes, it is not outside the realms of possibility that something has been manipulating the current weather phenomenon in the US. Some food for thought…
With the anniversary of 9/11 once again here, it is always vital that we do not blindly accept the mainstream version of these kinds of historically tragedies. I’m sure (although the current weather phenomenon may take attention away from it somewhat) that there will be several documentaries aired on the mainstream media this week to “remind” people of, and reinforce, the “official” narrative of 9/11. No doubt, the mainstream news media will also give 9/11 a few mentions for the same reasons. If you are curious about, or have an interest in, the events of 9/11, I would suggest that this year you try something a little different. Give the mainstream “official” version of 9/11 a miss and have a look at the truth instead. It could very well completely change your perspectives on a great many subjects.
Below, I have listed links to a wealth of material that discusses the evidence of what really happened on 9/11. If this is all new to you, you might want to fasten your proverbial “seat belt” as it can be an uncomfortable ride. Far be it from me to compare anybody to a horse, but it is apt to use an old adage in this regard: “you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink!” Whilst it may be uncomfortable to see and hear the truth about 9/11, the rewards are infinite. We should always be prepared to ask tough questions about our own world views and perspectives. Yes, it is never comfortable when we realise we have been led down the so-called “garden path” and lied to repeatedly. Pride sometimes kicks in and can breed denial as a means to avoid admitting that we’ve taken for a “mug”! However, we should never be ashamed to admit that we don’t always know what we think we know or, perish the thought, that we might be wrong about something. As a species, our greatest strength can be in learning from our mistakes. In fact, admitting such things allows for growth and makes us more well-rounded human beings. It opens us up to greater possibilities and other avenues in our lives. It enriches us and helps to free us from any shackles we have, or allow to be, imposed upon us. It might be trite or clichéd to some, but it really is the case that “the truth can set you free.”
Please try to take the time to check out the following links. You won’t be disappointed!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)
The work of Dr Judy Wood:
Book & Website
“Where Did the Towers Go?” - http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/
The Journal of 9/11 Research and 9/11 Issues - http://www.drjudywood.com/
Presentations & Interviews with Dr Judy Wood:
Dr. Judy Wood - Breakthrough Energy Movement conference in Holland, 2012 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1NbBxDGSkI
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 1 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX6EUVnHxC8
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 2 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRhlnvlRZzU
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 3 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxl_OuO0aGs
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 4 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PpHyqNrmH4
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 5 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGYs1rbqrVI
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 6 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuEGbiHCqpU
IRREFUTABLE (film based on the evidence presented by Dr Judy Wood):
Missing Rubble | Episode 1, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xDagfiXkJI
Dr. Judy Wood | Episode 2, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl7qrPG5JPs
Dustification | Episode 3, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJm170iffME
The Big Picture | Episode 4, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmGwTi9Bd58
The Book | Episode 5, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nPQXXElGT4
Hurricane Erin Pt 1 Manufactured Storm IRREFUTABLE Episode 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS2SPH-sTQM
The work of 9/11 researcher Andrew Johnson:
Book & Website
9/11: Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=238&Itemid=60
Check The Evidence - http://www.checktheevidence.com/cms/
Presentations & Interviews with Andrew Johnson:
RichplanetTV - Andrew Johnson discusses Where Did The Towers Go - 1 OF 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su-2BhBP6EY
RichplanetTV - Andrew Johnson discusses Where Did The Towers Go - 2 OF 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll7jxfhPj-k
RichplanetTV - Andrew Johnson discusses Where Did The Towers Go - 3 OF 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brnRy-568ww
911 Finding the Truth Andrew Johnson KFM 06 Sep 2012 Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oizx1hKU3tY
911 Finding the Truth Andrew Johnson KFM 06 Sep 2012 Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QndS_qbyFgU
“No Planes” on 9/11:
Mark Conlon Blogspot: Investigating No-Planes Theory and the Video Evidence of 9/11 - http://mark-conlon.blogspot.co.uk/
Richplanet TV - 9/11 Planes, Layers of Deception 1 OF 3 (with Andrew Johnson & Mark Conlon) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddAnZKFI4o8
Richplanet TV - 9/11 Planes, Layers of Deception 2 OF 3 (with Andrew Johnson & Mark Conlon) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWFbo2WCcWc
Richplanet TV - 9/11 Planes, Layers of Deception 2 OF 3 (with Andrew Johnson & Mark Conlon) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDmzkwTF0ZQ
No Planes on 911 - Part 1 by Gari Jones - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9teNgS3oC4E
No Planes on 911 - Part 2 by Gari Jones - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Yq6bbTBNuQ
Further information on The Pentagon aspects of 9/11:
National Security Alert - The 9/11 Pentagon Event - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HlUmmPBoLg
I can tell you here and now that this conclusion couldn’t be further from the truth. Although I have been researching 9/11 since (pretty much) the day it happened, it wasn’t until roughly eight years ago that I discovered the ground-breaking research of Dr Judy Wood. For those of you unfamiliar with Dr Judy Wood, here is an overview of her credentials taken from the website “Where Did the Towers Go”: “Dr. Judy D. Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical methods, deformation analysis, and the materials characterization of biomaterials and composite materials. She is a member of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), co-founded SEM’s Biological Systems and Materials Division, and has served on the SEM Composite Materials Technical Division. Dr. Wood received her B.S. (Civil Engineering, 1981) (Structural Engineering), M.S. Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983), and Ph.D. (Materials Engineering Science, 1992).” http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/author/
I cannot stress how important it is for people to go away and study the evidence that has been gathered by Dr Judy Wood. There is no way I could do justice to the evidence, that this lady has presented in her book “Where Did the Towers Go?” - a few sentences here or even a lengthy article wouldn’t begin to scratch the surface. In a nutshell, Dr Judy Wood’s data evidentially demonstrates conclusively that the Twin Towers of the WTC complex did not collapse or blow-up. Quite simply, they sizeably turned to dust in mid-air. Dr Judy Wood’s data also demonstrates that this process was not caused by impacting “jet liners” and the like. Rather, the destruction of the Twins Towers (and seemingly multiple surrounding buildings in the WTC complex area) was caused by a weapon of directed free-energy technology. Sounds almost difficult to believe doesn’t it!? Unfortunately, this is the reality of what happened on 9/11 and the overwhelming and demonstrable evidence collated by Dr Judy Wood is the proof of this.
The implications of the use of this type of technology in use on 9/11 is staggering. Not only does it evidentially prove that the world was wholly lied to about what really happened on 9/11 (and, for that matter, every single day ever since 9/11), but it also demonstrates that there are free-energy technologies in existence that (whilst offering a very real and practical way out of the economic and scientific prisons that the masses of the world are currently trapped in) have been perverted into usage as devastating weapons of destruction capable of killing countless people and potentially destroying vast areas of landscape.
There is also another aspect of the technology used on 9/11 with serious implications – that of the bizarre behaviour of Hurricane Erin, that was due to make landfall in New York on the morning of 9/11. Just before 9/11 took place, Hurricane Erin seemingly defied the laws of nature by making an abrupt right-turn on itself and headed straight back out into the Atlantic Ocean. How convenient for what was to subsequently take place! However, I don’t believe in coincidences on this scale! Dr Judy Wood’s evidence shows that Hurricane Erin was either a component aspect of the directed free-energy technological mechanism that occurred on 9/11 or, at the very least, was affected by the process. It seems a little bizarre that, on the anniversary of 9/11, the east coast of American has been battered by seemingly multiple hurricanes. Even the most sceptical of my friends and colleagues have voiced the concern that there is something really odd going on in the US with these weather phenomenon – although many of them have blindly and naively dismissed the oddities as “probably climate change” (my rebuttal to this will have to be a subject for another time!) If, as the evidence demonstrates, directed free-energy technology can affect huge hurricanes, it is not outside the realms of possibility that something has been manipulating the current weather phenomenon in the US. Some food for thought…
With the anniversary of 9/11 once again here, it is always vital that we do not blindly accept the mainstream version of these kinds of historically tragedies. I’m sure (although the current weather phenomenon may take attention away from it somewhat) that there will be several documentaries aired on the mainstream media this week to “remind” people of, and reinforce, the “official” narrative of 9/11. No doubt, the mainstream news media will also give 9/11 a few mentions for the same reasons. If you are curious about, or have an interest in, the events of 9/11, I would suggest that this year you try something a little different. Give the mainstream “official” version of 9/11 a miss and have a look at the truth instead. It could very well completely change your perspectives on a great many subjects.
Below, I have listed links to a wealth of material that discusses the evidence of what really happened on 9/11. If this is all new to you, you might want to fasten your proverbial “seat belt” as it can be an uncomfortable ride. Far be it from me to compare anybody to a horse, but it is apt to use an old adage in this regard: “you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink!” Whilst it may be uncomfortable to see and hear the truth about 9/11, the rewards are infinite. We should always be prepared to ask tough questions about our own world views and perspectives. Yes, it is never comfortable when we realise we have been led down the so-called “garden path” and lied to repeatedly. Pride sometimes kicks in and can breed denial as a means to avoid admitting that we’ve taken for a “mug”! However, we should never be ashamed to admit that we don’t always know what we think we know or, perish the thought, that we might be wrong about something. As a species, our greatest strength can be in learning from our mistakes. In fact, admitting such things allows for growth and makes us more well-rounded human beings. It opens us up to greater possibilities and other avenues in our lives. It enriches us and helps to free us from any shackles we have, or allow to be, imposed upon us. It might be trite or clichéd to some, but it really is the case that “the truth can set you free.”
Please try to take the time to check out the following links. You won’t be disappointed!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)
The work of Dr Judy Wood:
Book & Website
“Where Did the Towers Go?” - http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/
The Journal of 9/11 Research and 9/11 Issues - http://www.drjudywood.com/
Presentations & Interviews with Dr Judy Wood:
Dr. Judy Wood - Breakthrough Energy Movement conference in Holland, 2012 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1NbBxDGSkI
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 1 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX6EUVnHxC8
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 2 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRhlnvlRZzU
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 3 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxl_OuO0aGs
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 4 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PpHyqNrmH4
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 5 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGYs1rbqrVI
RichplanetTV - Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. - 6 OF 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuEGbiHCqpU
IRREFUTABLE (film based on the evidence presented by Dr Judy Wood):
Missing Rubble | Episode 1, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xDagfiXkJI
Dr. Judy Wood | Episode 2, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl7qrPG5JPs
Dustification | Episode 3, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJm170iffME
The Big Picture | Episode 4, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmGwTi9Bd58
The Book | Episode 5, IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nPQXXElGT4
Hurricane Erin Pt 1 Manufactured Storm IRREFUTABLE Episode 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS2SPH-sTQM
The work of 9/11 researcher Andrew Johnson:
Book & Website
9/11: Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=238&Itemid=60
Check The Evidence - http://www.checktheevidence.com/cms/
Presentations & Interviews with Andrew Johnson:
RichplanetTV - Andrew Johnson discusses Where Did The Towers Go - 1 OF 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su-2BhBP6EY
RichplanetTV - Andrew Johnson discusses Where Did The Towers Go - 2 OF 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll7jxfhPj-k
RichplanetTV - Andrew Johnson discusses Where Did The Towers Go - 3 OF 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brnRy-568ww
911 Finding the Truth Andrew Johnson KFM 06 Sep 2012 Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oizx1hKU3tY
911 Finding the Truth Andrew Johnson KFM 06 Sep 2012 Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QndS_qbyFgU
“No Planes” on 9/11:
Mark Conlon Blogspot: Investigating No-Planes Theory and the Video Evidence of 9/11 - http://mark-conlon.blogspot.co.uk/
Richplanet TV - 9/11 Planes, Layers of Deception 1 OF 3 (with Andrew Johnson & Mark Conlon) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddAnZKFI4o8
Richplanet TV - 9/11 Planes, Layers of Deception 2 OF 3 (with Andrew Johnson & Mark Conlon) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWFbo2WCcWc
Richplanet TV - 9/11 Planes, Layers of Deception 2 OF 3 (with Andrew Johnson & Mark Conlon) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDmzkwTF0ZQ
No Planes on 911 - Part 1 by Gari Jones - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9teNgS3oC4E
No Planes on 911 - Part 2 by Gari Jones - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Yq6bbTBNuQ
Further information on The Pentagon aspects of 9/11:
National Security Alert - The 9/11 Pentagon Event - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HlUmmPBoLg
9/11 - Finding The Truth,
Andrew Johnson,
Directed Free-Energy Technology,
Dr Judy Wood,
False Flag,
Hurricane Erin,
Mark Conlon,
No Planes,
Richard D Hall,
Where Did The Towers Go?
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Good Vibrations Podcast #113 - Carl James - The London 2012 Olympics Revisited
I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Mark
Devlin for a return visit to his excellent Good Vibrations Podcast series. Here
is an overview of the interview from Mark’s website:
“In the months leading up to London's hosting of the 2012
Olympic games, many alternative researchers were speculating on whether the
event was to be used to launch another society-changing false-flag
"terror" event, of the type we have seen so often since. Thankfully,
nothing of that nature did occur. But today's returning guest, author Carl
James, argues that a massive mind-control psy-op was, in fact, perpetrated on
the public through the ritualistic and symbolic aspects of the opening and
closing ceremonies. His contention forms the basis of his new book, 'What
Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics,' and he guests on Volume 113 to
share his findings. Aspects discussed include the predictions of the late Rik
Clay, the role of Russell Brand, connections to the Live 8 and 7/7 events of
2005, and Predictive Programming contained in Dr. Who.”
The interview can be listened to at the link below:
Good Vibrations Podcast #113 - Carl James - The London 2012
Olympics Revisited - https://www.spreaker.com/user/markdevlin/gvp-113-carl-james-the-london-2012-olymp
For those of you interested in further researching the
subjects discussed in this interview, my latest book “What Really Happened at
the London 2012 Olympics” is available from Lulu Publishing at the following
link: http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html
For more on the topic of Doctor Who’s synchronicities,
themes and oddities, I recommend a recent video I have uploaded to my YouTube
channel: “Doctor Who - Themes & Symbolism - From 7/7 to Saturn Worship” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzjcH2gJ1hY
Volume Two of my 2016 book “Science Fiction and the Hidden
Global Agenda” also includes several chapters of extensively researched
material on the subject of Doctor Who and its connections and synchronicities
with alternative knowledge research subjects. The book is also available from
Lulu Publishing at the following link - http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/science-fiction-and-the-hidden-global-agenda-2016-edition-volume-two/paperback/product-23209433.html
I hope you enjoy the interview for the Good Vibrations
podcast and many thanks again to Mark for bringing me on the show to discuss
the subject.
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)
Danny Boyle,
Doctor Who,
Good Vibrations Podcast,
Live 8,
Live Aid,
London 2012 Olympics,
Mark Devlin,
Musical Truth,
Rik Clay,
Russell Brand,
Saturn Worship,
What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics
Monday, 21 August 2017
Facebook & August 2017 Updates
Those who know me well will attest that I’m not a big fan of social networking! I do wonder when human civilisation suddenly realised that it had become necessary to articulate every waking thought in our heads to anybody who will listen. I always laboured under the illusion that everybody who uses platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram act in such a manner. Whilst that is actually true for a considerable number of people on social networking websites, I had something of a pleasant surprise recently when I finally decided to sign up to Facebook.
My decision to add my presence to Facebook was prompted by some words of wisdom shared with me by several of my trusted fellow alternative knowledge researchers. Like me, they are well aware that Facebook is sizeably little more than a vast data collection archive for the likes of Western Intelligence agencies (a evidentially documented fact just in case there are any naysayers out there who believe otherwise!) and a testbed for all manner of social engineering projects orchestrated by the various hands of the global agenda elite players who control and steer most of what goes on around us on a day-to-day basis. All that aside, it makes sense not to shun the likes of Facebook on those grounds alone. If we are mindful of the trite and trivial debris that floats almost luminously around the ether of Facebook, we can also recognise a lot of good things. I have now realise that there are many people on Facebook who use the platform to share insightful knowledge to those who perhaps lived blissfully unaware of certain truths beforehand. Others use it to organise social activism, to try to prevent injustices, to inform people about events and platforms that work to gather and better educate those looking to understand what this vast uncertain sea that we call “life” is perhaps really all about.
As somebody who tries very hard to raise awareness about various truths and share knowledge with others, I recognise that it is important to spread the word as far and wide as possible. In this day and age, the internet appears to be the principle way to share useful information. Yet, it has recently come to my attention that, for some people, the internet IS Facebook and little else. Many people no longer spend hour after long hour trawling through thousands of webpages, reading long articles (or, heaven forbid, a book!), or patiently watching an informative but lengthy video to the very end. Our new age is one of fast and instant bite-sized nuggets of info… many people no longer have the stomach or the patience for anything else. If so, I’d better draw my thoughts to a close now for fear of going on too long!
In brief, I have joined Facebook!
All that I share here and elsewhere on the internet, I will now share on my Facebook page as well. If anybody wishes to seek me out there and add me as a friend and such, the link to page is below. Please note that I am still something of a Facebook Luddite! It is taking me time to figure things out! I also don’t have access (as many people do) to Facebook via my phone (another aspect of my Luddite-esque nature!) only via my PC. I will check in a few times a week to post material and check messages and such. I don’t imagine I will be present for long stretches each day like many users. That said, I do appreciate anybody taking the time to follow my work and research and for sharing it with others. Understanding the true nature of our reality begins with knowledge, so it is always vital that we share it any way we can.
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/carl.james.92167789
August 2017 Updates
The last month or so has seen some big changes in my life. I don’t want to get into too much detail here, but personal circumstances have steered me toward a new journey in my life. A week ago, I waved a thoughtful goodbye to my working life of over twenty years in the healthcare profession. I am in the very fortunate position of being able to remove myself from the mainstream “work” paradigm – at least for a while anyway. As of now, I am dedicating a large portion of my time to alternative knowledge research, writing, interviews and talks. In the last week alone, I have taken part in two interviews – one with Mark Devlin for his Good Vibrations podcast and the other with Taj and Nyssa of The Divine Truth / Revolution Radio show. Both will be available to listen to shortly and I will post the links and relevant information here as soon as that information is accessible. I am currently getting to work on writing several new books. It is a little early to reveal too much about these books, but I can say that one of them will be my first venture into fictional writing! Watch this space…
I have done a number of presentations around the UK in the last few months. I just want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who managed to attend and spread the word about those events. Your support is truly appreciated. Also, once again, a big thank you to those who came to the High Wycombe Paranormal Group – Menna, Neil, Taj, Ben, the list goes on. Special thanks to Menna and Andrew Johnson for making it all possible. A huge thank you also to Kirsty from the Truth Juice Hull group – not only for making me so welcome in Hull but also for her ongoing efforts to promote and share so much of the work I have accumulated over the last 12 months. A big thank you also to my friend Jan – my faithful train-travelling companion on the journey to and from Hull! I must note that we managed to raise £165.46 for the Hull Samaritans on the night of my talk at Hull. A job well-done!
As always, my heartfelt appreciation and positive energies go out to each and every one of you who has supported and continues to support all my efforts and work. I couldn’t do it without you! It never to ceases to amaze me that there really are so many positive and caring people in this thing we call “life”. Imagine what could be achieved if everybody else adopted this, oh so simple to grasp, attitude. Some food for thought…!
Until next time!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)

My decision to add my presence to Facebook was prompted by some words of wisdom shared with me by several of my trusted fellow alternative knowledge researchers. Like me, they are well aware that Facebook is sizeably little more than a vast data collection archive for the likes of Western Intelligence agencies (a evidentially documented fact just in case there are any naysayers out there who believe otherwise!) and a testbed for all manner of social engineering projects orchestrated by the various hands of the global agenda elite players who control and steer most of what goes on around us on a day-to-day basis. All that aside, it makes sense not to shun the likes of Facebook on those grounds alone. If we are mindful of the trite and trivial debris that floats almost luminously around the ether of Facebook, we can also recognise a lot of good things. I have now realise that there are many people on Facebook who use the platform to share insightful knowledge to those who perhaps lived blissfully unaware of certain truths beforehand. Others use it to organise social activism, to try to prevent injustices, to inform people about events and platforms that work to gather and better educate those looking to understand what this vast uncertain sea that we call “life” is perhaps really all about.
As somebody who tries very hard to raise awareness about various truths and share knowledge with others, I recognise that it is important to spread the word as far and wide as possible. In this day and age, the internet appears to be the principle way to share useful information. Yet, it has recently come to my attention that, for some people, the internet IS Facebook and little else. Many people no longer spend hour after long hour trawling through thousands of webpages, reading long articles (or, heaven forbid, a book!), or patiently watching an informative but lengthy video to the very end. Our new age is one of fast and instant bite-sized nuggets of info… many people no longer have the stomach or the patience for anything else. If so, I’d better draw my thoughts to a close now for fear of going on too long!
In brief, I have joined Facebook!
All that I share here and elsewhere on the internet, I will now share on my Facebook page as well. If anybody wishes to seek me out there and add me as a friend and such, the link to page is below. Please note that I am still something of a Facebook Luddite! It is taking me time to figure things out! I also don’t have access (as many people do) to Facebook via my phone (another aspect of my Luddite-esque nature!) only via my PC. I will check in a few times a week to post material and check messages and such. I don’t imagine I will be present for long stretches each day like many users. That said, I do appreciate anybody taking the time to follow my work and research and for sharing it with others. Understanding the true nature of our reality begins with knowledge, so it is always vital that we share it any way we can.
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/carl.james.92167789
August 2017 Updates
The last month or so has seen some big changes in my life. I don’t want to get into too much detail here, but personal circumstances have steered me toward a new journey in my life. A week ago, I waved a thoughtful goodbye to my working life of over twenty years in the healthcare profession. I am in the very fortunate position of being able to remove myself from the mainstream “work” paradigm – at least for a while anyway. As of now, I am dedicating a large portion of my time to alternative knowledge research, writing, interviews and talks. In the last week alone, I have taken part in two interviews – one with Mark Devlin for his Good Vibrations podcast and the other with Taj and Nyssa of The Divine Truth / Revolution Radio show. Both will be available to listen to shortly and I will post the links and relevant information here as soon as that information is accessible. I am currently getting to work on writing several new books. It is a little early to reveal too much about these books, but I can say that one of them will be my first venture into fictional writing! Watch this space…
I have done a number of presentations around the UK in the last few months. I just want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who managed to attend and spread the word about those events. Your support is truly appreciated. Also, once again, a big thank you to those who came to the High Wycombe Paranormal Group – Menna, Neil, Taj, Ben, the list goes on. Special thanks to Menna and Andrew Johnson for making it all possible. A huge thank you also to Kirsty from the Truth Juice Hull group – not only for making me so welcome in Hull but also for her ongoing efforts to promote and share so much of the work I have accumulated over the last 12 months. A big thank you also to my friend Jan – my faithful train-travelling companion on the journey to and from Hull! I must note that we managed to raise £165.46 for the Hull Samaritans on the night of my talk at Hull. A job well-done!
As always, my heartfelt appreciation and positive energies go out to each and every one of you who has supported and continues to support all my efforts and work. I couldn’t do it without you! It never to ceases to amaze me that there really are so many positive and caring people in this thing we call “life”. Imagine what could be achieved if everybody else adopted this, oh so simple to grasp, attitude. Some food for thought…!
Until next time!
Carl (The Truth Seeker’s Guide)

Sunday, 20 August 2017
Carl James on The Divine Truth Radio Show - 20/8/17
For those interested in listening to tonight's live show, I will be speaking on Revolution Radio's The Divine Truth show - hosted by Taj & Nyssa. We will be discussing at all things Disney and dispelling the myth that The House of Mouse is all sunshine and smiles! We will also discuss the works of filmaker Stanley Kubrick - one of the few industry insiders who dared to point a finger at those things that go unseen in our everyday world. The show will be approximately two hours long and kick off at 11pm UK time (6pm US EST).
To find tonight's show click the following link:
Then scroll down the "Sunday" column to 6pm (11pm UK time) and click "The Divine Truth" link: (This is the embedded link: http://freedomslips.com/studioa.htm)
If you want to catch previous shows, visit the YouTube channel Taj Investigates at: https://www.youtube.com/tajinvestigates
Hope you are able to tune in!

To find tonight's show click the following link:
Then scroll down the "Sunday" column to 6pm (11pm UK time) and click "The Divine Truth" link: (This is the embedded link: http://freedomslips.com/studioa.htm)
If you want to catch previous shows, visit the YouTube channel Taj Investigates at: https://www.youtube.com/tajinvestigates
Hope you are able to tune in!

2001: A Space Odyssey,
A Clockwork Orange,
ABC's Lost,
Eyes Wide Shut,
Stanley Kubrick,
Star Wars,
The Force Awakens,
The Shining
Saturday, 8 July 2017
Disney Darkside - Truth Juice Hull - 12/07/17

I will be presenting my most recent talk - "Disney Darkside" - at the Truth Juice Hull group on Wednesday 12th July, 2017. The talk will begin at approx. 7.30pm. The venue address is The Walton Street Club, Walton Street, HULL, HU3 6JR. Admission costs and details are as follows: £5 Waged/ £3 Un-Waged / Donation / or whatever you can manage even if that is nothing. Truth Juice Hull is NON-PROFIT making and the venue is FREE. Lack of money will never be an issue with attending the talks. For more details, visit: http://hull.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2017/04/carl-james-in-hull-on-120717/ or email truthjuicehull@yahoo.co.uk
For those of you interested in coming along, here is an overview of the talk.
"Disney is synonymous with wholesome values, memorable stories and films that will put a smile on the faces of all the family. But is there something far more sinister lurking beneath the surface of the “House of Mouse”? In this presentation, alternative knowledge researcher and author of the book “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda” will examine the long-known “dark side” of Disney – looking at its documented relationship with the military / industrial complex, and their use of embedded sexual and arcane symbolism, social engineering and fragmentation, alleged mind control programming, and so on. Carl will also recount how his research brought him into contact with a prominent Disney insider and how this contact set him off on an even darker investigation – one that involves the likes of J.J. Abrams, Star Wars, Saturn worship, energy, consciousness, transformation, and the very nature of reality. In asking the question – what are Disney really up to? – Carl may have uncovered a startling answer with implications for all of humanity."
If you are able to post details about this talk / event on your social media feed or website, I would really appreciate it. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everybody who made me feel so welcome during my recent visit to the High Wycombe Paranormal Meet-Up Group. I had a great time and met some truly intelligent, interesting and lovely people during my presentation and the overall stay. A special thank you also to Andrew Johnson, Menna (and her family!) and Neil - the organiser of the Paranormal Meet-Up Group.
Many thanks again for all your continued support and I hope to see you at Truth Juice Hull!
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide)

Richplanet TV Returns For a New Series in 2017
Richard D. Hall's excellent Richplanet TV has returned for a new series. The show will feature 12 new shows that will air fortnightly until late 2017. The first few shows will feature coverage of the Richplanet "Fake Reality" Tour from earlier in 2017. Episode 1 can be watched here: http://www.richplanet.net/starship_main.php?ref=239&part=1
For the latest updates from Richard D. Hall and information about Richplanet TV, visit the website at: http://www.richplanet.net
If anyone is interested in sponsoring the shows please email richard@richplanet.net
Also, Richplanet has a new website sponsor, Shop Holistic, who supply natural health products. Please have a look at their website: https://www.shopholistic.com/
For the latest updates from Richard D. Hall and information about Richplanet TV, visit the website at: http://www.richplanet.net
If anyone is interested in sponsoring the shows please email richard@richplanet.net
Also, Richplanet has a new website sponsor, Shop Holistic, who supply natural health products. Please have a look at their website: https://www.shopholistic.com/
Richard D Hall,
Richplanet TV,
Monday, 3 July 2017
Doctor Who - Themes & Symbolism - From 7/7 to Saturn Worship
Hi folks!
I have uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel entitled: "Doctor Who - Themes & Symbolism - From 7/7 to Saturn Worship." I have been meaning to put something together on this subject for quite a while and it seems an appropriate time given the recent renewed interest in the BBC's popular TV show "Doctor Who". In this video, I have used portions of the research included in my book, "Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda" - Volume Two, along with some new bits and pieces. I look at the foreshadowing of 7/7 in the (pre-7/7) 2005 first season of "Doctor Who", as well as the repeatedly visited themes and symbolism indicative of occultism, arcane and mystery school knowledge, secret society beliefs and the practice of Saturn worship. I also touch on some synchronicities with the London 2012 Olympics - a subject I have covered comprehensively in my new book - "What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics" - available from Lulu Publishing here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html
The link to the video is below. I have also embedded the video on this page. Please give the video a watch and a "thumbs up" if you like it. Many thanks, as always, for all your support.
All the best for now!
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide.)
Doctor Who - Themes & Symbolism - From 7/7 to Saturn Worship

I have uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel entitled: "Doctor Who - Themes & Symbolism - From 7/7 to Saturn Worship." I have been meaning to put something together on this subject for quite a while and it seems an appropriate time given the recent renewed interest in the BBC's popular TV show "Doctor Who". In this video, I have used portions of the research included in my book, "Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda" - Volume Two, along with some new bits and pieces. I look at the foreshadowing of 7/7 in the (pre-7/7) 2005 first season of "Doctor Who", as well as the repeatedly visited themes and symbolism indicative of occultism, arcane and mystery school knowledge, secret society beliefs and the practice of Saturn worship. I also touch on some synchronicities with the London 2012 Olympics - a subject I have covered comprehensively in my new book - "What Really Happened at the London 2012 Olympics" - available from Lulu Publishing here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/carl-james/what-really-happened-at-the-london-2012-olympics/paperback/product-23221527.html
The link to the video is below. I have also embedded the video on this page. Please give the video a watch and a "thumbs up" if you like it. Many thanks, as always, for all your support.
All the best for now!
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide.)
Doctor Who - Themes & Symbolism - From 7/7 to Saturn Worship

2012 Olympics,
Doctor Who,
London 2012,
Saturn Worship,
secret societies
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Disney Darkside - High Wycombe Paranormal Meet-Up Group - 28/06/17

For those of you in the UK, I will be presenting my most recent talk - "Disney Darkside" - at High Wycombe Paranormal Meet-Up Group this Wednesday (28th June 2017.) Here is an overview of the talk.
"Disney is synonymous with wholesome values, memorable stories and films that will put a smile on the faces of all the family. But is there something far more sinister lurking beneath the surface of the “House of Mouse”? In this presentation, alternative knowledge researcher and author of the book “Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda” will examine the long-known “dark side” of Disney – looking at its documented relationship with the military / industrial complex, and their use of embedded sexual and arcane symbolism, social engineering and fragmentation, alleged mind control programming, and so on. Carl will also recount how his research brought him into contact with a prominent Disney insider and how this contact set him off on an even darker investigation – one that involves the likes of J.J. Abrams, Star Wars, Saturn worship, energy, consciousness, transformation, and the very nature of reality. In asking the question – what are Disney really up to? – Carl may have uncovered a startling answer with implications for all of humanity."
The talk will begin at approx. 7.30pm and conclude approx. 11pm. The venue address is The Bricklayers Arms, High St, Downley, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 5XJ. Admission is £5. For more details, visit the High Wycombe Paranormal Meet Up Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/415462125205125/ or email the group organiser, Neil at neil@geddesward.co.uk You can also contact Neil on his FB page at Neil Pagan Artist.
Hope to see you there!
Carl (The Truth Seeker's Guide)
George Lucas,
JJ Abrams,
Star Wars,
Subliminal Sex
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